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Erwerb beruflicher Kompetenzen in Europa
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aquiring Professional Competence in Europe or Exchange of apprentices with France and Luxemburg After many years of experience in student-exchange between the partner-schools in Germany, France and Luxemburg, the idea rose, to mediate traineeships for the partners of other countries. This idea aimed at various tasks: Students get the opportunity to enrich their professional competences and at the same time to learn about the professional world of another country with a different socio-cultural background. This gives them the chance, to develop their personality by settling and handling everyday tasks in a foreign surrounding. The internatinal character of this exchange gives an additional impact for enterprises as well as students on the as far as offers (enterprises) and requests (students) are concerned. By their adventures in a foreign country students gather experiences that help to reduce prejudices and to witness Europe "live". The apprenticeship gives also a lot of opportunities, to use foreign languages (i.e. English als "universal language"). It is intended to send about 26 students from 1-2 classes of our 2-jähriges Berufskolleg für informations- und kommunikationstechnische Assistent/innen as trainees for two weeks to France and Lucemburg. Realization depends on the funding and the readiness of enterprises to take German trainees. During the last 3 years, our partners in France an Luxemburg have already successfully sent students as trainees to Mannheim (D). The WvSS has taken over the care for the students and mediated by the search for places and lodges. This model is now to be developped on reciprocity. By funding through LEONARDO, this will be possible.
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