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Erweiterung der interkulturellen Kompetenzen unserer Schüler und Schülerinnen, besonders im Bereich der Sprach-, Kommunikations-und Medienkompetenz
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background:The Luisenschule, a middle school with a 160 year old tradition has already started to face changed social developments. First steps in order to set up a new school profile have already been undertaken.Some main issues shall be strenghten by the participation of Erasmus + . We see the possibility to get new contacts, to work together with foreign institutions and to continue our work that we have already started with regard to increasing national heterogenity and changing labour markets.Therefore it is necessary to train colleagues in projectmanagement and intercultural skills so that all teachers as well as students can take advantage of it.Two colleagues will be participating. They- are experienced in school management topics- have personal experiences with the European labour market- have initiated a new school curriculum-have very good foreign language knowledge- are experienced in organizing an exchange with our French partnerschool- were responsible for the preparation and performance of DELF-examinations- are willing to attend training courses abroad- have an above average interest in intercultural subjects- have good media knowledgeWe expect to get contacts to other European partners which help usto implement European projects at our school such as e-twinning, school exchanges or job shadowing.Methodology for project implementationWith the training courses intercultural competence shall be implemented in lessons and with the project management skills of teachers European projects shall be institutionalized.Description of the expected results, effects and potentioal long-term benefits:Our school should expand its possibilities of foreign language studies and the use of modern media. The participants will enlage their motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation and the willingness to initiate European school projects at school will increase.Colleagues will get new ideas and new inspiration for the European idea. By expanding these skills our students will be better prepared in the future for te demands of the European labour market.
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