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Erweiterung der Europa-Region Emsland durch das Durchführen von Auslandspraktika
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bilingual teaching is carried out only difficult due to lack of language experience of the trainees. Many companies in the region are looking for professionals who can be employed abroad or can communicate with partners from abroad. 20 trainees are sent who are between their first and third year of apprenticeship of becoming a mechatronic technician. This measure is supposed to respond to the before mentioned challenges. The trainees are accommodated in host families for 16 days. In Hastings they are trained for intercultural and language issues by English colleagues of the partner institution. To involve the trainees they have to give reguarly feedback about their experiences to the dispatching institution. Another point to mention is that they have to write a report about the measure. This documentation is helpful for the future development of the project. The participants lose their shyness of using the English language and gain independence and self-confidence. Furthermore they learn to understand job-specific information in English. In conlusion the trainees enhance their knowledge and skills and thus improve their chances on the European labor market. In the school-program of the BBS Lingen an intensification of internationalization is committed. The two participating teachers will receive a variety of ideas and suggestions for new teaching and learning methods by sitting in on lessons. As well learning situations which are developed with the partner institution are tested in classes in Germany and then evaluated. The application of the learning situations can also be done in conjunction with new teaching methods. They also improve their vocabulary in professional and everyday language, which will have a significant impact on their (bilingual) lessons. They cooperate with colleagues from the partner institution and from the examination board and continually develop the school's curriculum and examination procedures. The experience abroad is supposed to facilitate judging the language competences (EQF) of the students in the future; the comparison of the different levels of learning is simplified. By this measure the attractiveness of the BBS Lingen is supposed to increase in terms of internationalization for students and businesses in the long term.

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