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Erfahrungsaustausch und Lehreinsätze für die Entwicklung eines "Training on the Job" Konzepts für Betreuungseinrichtungen nach dem Hausgemeinschaftsmodell in Italien
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled "Development of a training on the job concept to implement the house community model in South Tyrol for the first time" is designed for future employees of a new type of nursing home in Bozen/Bolzano. The house community model is a new nursing concept in Europe to provide better services in response to changing requirements of a modern society.The new concept implies a lot of changes in the professional behaviour and know-how of the employees. Instead of in a hierarchical and functional division of labour, the staff has to work in cross functional teams focused on psycho-social care.The project will be implemented in the form of international work experience placements in nursing homes dedicated to the house community model in Austria and Germany. The staff from Italy will work with their colleagues for one week. The experience of these transnational placements will be used to develop a “training on the job” concept for professionals that will work in nursing homes dedicated to the house community model in Italy. The implementation of this vocational training will be supported by VET-Experts from abroad.The main object of the project is to enhance and improve the vocational training supply in Italy, Austria and Germany to new demands for professionals in the nursing sector and to improve the knowledge of the VET personel.

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