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Erfahrungen in der Energieholzproduktion und der Lebensmittelerzeugung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In rural areas of eastern Germany there is a structural change in the villages and an increasing aging and declining population. Good paid jobs for young people in rural areas short. On the other hand, training companies have increasing problems of finding suitable candidates for the training and must respond by teaching job switchers and the preparation of low performance Trainees. Therefore, it is necessary that the education and training is actively working on concepts to apprentices and workers craft skills to serve the rural economy. Companies should be provided with suitable workers. Due to the migration of the past 2 decades well-qualified people have left. Often it is difficult to replace retiring older workers. People in the region need to be supported and qualified. The program also examines the work of the partners according to forms of training and also how they promote the profession effectively. Forms of training must be developed. Similar problems are in the regions to which the participants travel. The stay is primarily used to deal with the ways of vocational training and how to use this knowledge for training in Germany. In the field of agriculture and forestry, there is the continued chance to offer new services in production of renewable and raw materials. Therefore, in this project, trainers and trainees from the green professions should deal in the activities of the partner countries and learn about the use of renewable resources and consider the training opportunities offered in the partner countries. In addition to this, the production and processing of food, beverages and chocolate plays an important role in this project. The training is based on concepts that adapt the rural economy on the structural demographic and climate change. Completely new concepts have to be introduced here, and a visit to the partners is a successful source of information. The high quality standard in the economy in Germany is fore some trainees and workers something they can hardly manage. Fore the Participants with gat prepared on a low scale it is imported to learn basic craft techniques and have success in this. The aim is to bring the needs of the economy and the potentials of the trainees on a fitting level. The partners have interesting approaches to share. They have similar problems and interesting solutions. Lots of this can be used in rural areas of East Germany. The aim of the project is to investigate solutions fore farming in connection with the production and the use of renewable resources. The training provided by the partners will by check about what can by adopted for training in Germany. The result is a basis for offers of education and training in Germany. In trainers and trainees involved shall win confidence by gaining knowledge from the partners. The participants will learn from the partners niche skills with is knowledge with is needed fore crafts with are les common. They will se concepts of the partner regions and understand them. This they can use in their home region an tell this to other trainees and employees of the companies. The transfer is support be the networks involved. The training modules were developed partly in the TOI projects Vast Green and Village View. One result of the project is the development of contacts with domestic and foreign partners. These results are strengthening the cooperation and spread to developed the training programs. The networking is encouraged. Involved are trainers and HR managers of companies providing training, in the field of agriculture, forestry and land-use, rural economy. Also trainers in vocational training are involved. For the students of forestry and the preparation fore job, it is usually the first contact with people from another European country in the job contests. Here, it is especially important that they learn that you also can achieve something with other concepts, tools and working methods. The work under different climatic conditions is an important knowledge gain is because in the receiving Country’s plants grow differently and other cultivation and processing technologies are required.
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6 Partners Participants