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"¿Eres un tecnoadicto?"- "Are you a technoholic?"
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Are you a technoholic?” is a youth mobility Project organized by a group of young people in collaboration with the City Council of Corella in Navarre, Spain, Babylonie (Czech Republic) and Comune di Verona (Italy) which is going to be developed from the 1st of July until the 31st of December in 2016.During this time, a group of 39 youngsters from the countries mentioned before will be working about the use that young people give to new technologies and how do this technologies affect in their life and relationships. Through this project we want to make the participants ponder their use of new technologies and make them analyze the influence technologies have in their lifestyles, discover if there is any difference between countries and work together to build a “Responsible user guide of technologies”In addition, they will be able to learn more about disability, sharing the meeting organised in corella with youngsters with mental disabilities. To be conscious about the attitudes we adopt with people who are different from us, and commit to be tolerant and supportive in our relationships,… With all this, they will prepare a presentation they will put in common in the exchange.The meeting will take place in Corella (Navarre) from 17th to 26th of August of 2016, and where 3 groups of 8 youngsters from 16 to 20 years old and 1 leader from every country ( Spain- Czech Rep.- Italy) plus the group of 6 youngsters with intellectual disabilities from ANFAS Association with 2 leaders from the same organization for supporting in their needs, living with them and the organization team with 5 more leaders. With this, we pretend to offer young people a chance to meet each other, discover they are equals, know the integration difficulties, to be in their skin.They will discuss together about the topic , the uses leading technologies, the good or bad habits, the differences and equalities between countries and how to be a responsible user of technology and get the major profit of them. They will elaborate a “Responsible user guide of technologies” to share with the community. During the exchange, they will put in common the previous work, there will be a sensitisation day, previously organised by ANFAS, they will meet the regional police group specialised in technological crimes, also by playing techno-games and offline games, with days out and trips where they will work through the topic. We will stimulate bonding and cultural exchanges with international evenings, night games, ice-breaking games, gymkhanas, trips and group activities…The methodology to use is going to be varied:In one hand, the observation of the reality and awareness about what exists around them, put in common the different realities found in each country, prepare workshops and activities for the diffusion day, visits of experts who show them the risks of bad use of technologies. There will be dynamics that enable reflection of learning and value the experience in a personal level. There are going to be also other activities like playful activities, to be in contact with nature, knowledge and relation activities, where we want to make possible friendship relations among participants.During the meeting, each participant group will record a daily video collecting the opinion and experiences from all participants. The video will be used after the meeting for giving diffusion of the experience in each country.The project is based on concepts like empowering, non-formal learning, acquisition and develop of competences and commitment. In fact, the whole project, from the preparation stage to the results diffusion stage, is done by the participant youngsters.With this project we pretend make young people conscious about the dangerous habits and the good use of new technologies. Make them responsible users and show them other alternatives to technology appliances. Learning the advantages and risk of technology. At the same time we pretend to sensitize young people about difficulties that other youngsters like them live, promote the mutual understanding among youngsters from different countries, make new relations among them and raise awareness of being an active European citizen.The results will be diffused to their equals, apart from the diffusion day that will take part during the exchange, the experience will be showed in the educational centers from all the associations that are involved, associations, and to the population in general through press releases, videos in social networks…
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