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ERASMUS+ SANSE pe piata europeana a muncii pentru elevii din Calarasi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „ERASMUS+ CHANCES on the European Labour Market for pupils of Calarasi” results from the need to improve the quality of education and training at Tehnological Highschool „Duliu Zamfirescu”, in order to promote personal, professional and social development of our students and make more efficient the transition from school to work of the future graduates”. The objective of the project are: O1. Acquisition of competences specific to the field of public food in an international context by the students of Tehnological High school „Duliu Zamfirescu” of Dragalina, Calarasi county, qualification Gastronomy Technician, recognised in the home country, in view of obtaining the qualification, their personal and social development. O2. Accumulation of linguistic knowledge in their speciality, specific vocabulary for the domain Public Food in the partner country, information about the culture and traditions of the country and improvement of the social competences. O3. Improvement of competencies and knowledge of 4 teachers of our school who teach speciality subjects, in order to build a modern and diverse educational offer, focused both of the students’ needs for development and on the national and European quality standards in education. O4. Development of cooperation with education and professional training institutions and companies from abroad in order to provide connection to the real needs of the labour market and facilitate our youngsters mobility. The participants are: - 36 trainees, students of high school technological education, profile Services, qualification domain Tourism and Public Food who will performs professional training stages in Portugal at the Educational Consortium Alcochete, Vet training institution, with periods of learning at the work place, in restaurants that have partnerships with this school. The trainees’ training will take place on two levels: * Practical training via curriculum, the educational content of the stage applies to: 1. Students in the X grade, CDL module „ Basic Processes in Public Food” 2. For students of XI grade, Modules M6 „ National and International Cuisine” and M7 – Hygiene, health and work safety and protection of the environment”, stipulated in the Education Planning approved by OMECTS nr. 3331 of 25.02.2010 , Annex 3. * Cultural and linguistic preparation in the free time and weekends as integral part of the activity. Previously to the mobility, there will take place the pedagogical, linguistic and cultural preparation in the home country, at la Liceul tehnologic ”Duiliu Zamfirescu”, in order to improve the adjustment ability and ensure an optimal correspondence between the participants’ expectations and the opportunities offered by the project. Duration of the mobility is 3 weeks, 21 days, between: Flow 1:25.04-13.05.2016,18 students +1insotitor Flow2: 03.04-21.04.2017.18 students +1 insotitor The theme approached in the project will help students to develop professional competences which are going to be evaluated in an educational system different to the Romanian one, transferred and recognized, included into their qualification at home, all of them in the framework of a transnational ECVET partnership concluded with the partner school for a period of 3 years and officialised through MoU - 4 teachers of different specializations, who teach in the field of Tourism and Public Food, full teachers of the school The activities the teachers will attend is”Job shadowing” carried out at Agrupamento de Escolas de Alccochete ,an educational consortium with a powerful VET component and Sabor Mineiro Restaurant, the host partners in our project Duration of the mobility: 12days, between 30.03-12.04.2015. Expected outcome: - Technological high school graduates with relevant work experience, good professional competences in their field of qualification, enhanced social and personal skills essential in a society of knowledge, ready to meet the needs of the labour market and significantly improve their transition to a work place and professional insertion. The sustainability is ensured by valorising the learning support materials produced in the project as a result of the experiences acquired in implementing the ECVET system, through a new project Erasmus+, more mobility of learning and more chances in career.

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