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Erasmus Plus : le Renouveau de la Mobilité Transnationale, une nouvelle opportunité pour les personnes en insertion et les entreprises.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Erasmus plus : le Renouveau de la Mobilité Transnationale, une nouvelle opportunité pour les personnes en insertion et les entreprises » (Erasmus Plus - RMT) – “Erasmus plus : The new way of transnational mobility, a new opportunity for people in the process of integration and for companies " is a proposition coming from mobility experiences that the applying organisation runs since 1995 in the framework of European, regional and local funds to support and reinforce employability of people integrating the labor market. This program, run within two years, aims to finalise a methodological toolkit of orientation to transnational mobility which will be innovative and complementary to the existing ones. It will be an answer to priorities defined by the E.U because it offers to : - contribute to the acknowledgement of mobility periods as an impulse for qualification and the development of personal and professional capacities - reinforce the employability of people in the process of integration – students, recently graduated students, jobseekers – offering them alternatives and qualifiying ways of thinking - give actors of the integration sector a toolkit which will be used within their professional activities - reinforce the companies’ implication in the certification of added value of mobility experiences through a better understanding of the labor market needs. The innovative methodological aspect can be found in « capitalisation of experiences” activities, undertaken at the beginning of the project and within all the orientation process, modifying current practises where this activity appears only at the end. This should help beneficiaries to develop their capacities of analysis and explanation mobility benefits according to the professional sector they plan to integrate while coming back to France. Another innovative aspect : comparative researches undertaken within the 5 countries of the partnership will contribute to define the content of the activities. These studies (the first one to identify European mobility projects, the 2nd one, on methodologies of capitalisation, applied on 170 European companies) are the products of the project and will be published as a compendium. To undertake the activities of the project, the applying organisation has federated 6 partners qualified in diversifed and complementary fields – education, orientation and integration, development of public politics – with common aims : implement local and transnational initiatives to ameliorate qualification and employability of the public in the process of integration, integrating professional actors, such as companies. The project will benefit from 2 regional organisations : the Department of Regional, European and International Partnerships within the Ile de France Region and the Employment and training centre of Nanterre. Four international partners: CEDIT -, Florence, BERLINK – Berlin, ESMOVIA – Valence, EPN –Bristol. All have been chosen for their experiences within the frame of the LDV programs and the ESF, as intermediary placement organisation for many types of public. The complementarity of our fields and our network can be seen as a garantee to acheive the project activities, for the quality and the relevance of the intellectual productions, the ways of dissemination and the impacts in terms of durability.
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6 Partners Participants