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Erasmus+ Mobilität
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In summer 2016 the participants / students of the commercial and tourism School PANNONEUM Neusiedl am See will pass their obligatory practical training at the partner companies in different host countries. The lodging and coordinating body for this project is the HLA for Economics and Tourism (PANNONEUM) in Neusiedl am See. 29 students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the Higher School of Economics respectively The Higher School for Tourism will participate. The internship complements the education at school in the domains of hotel, tourism and gastronomy and shall obtain an international aspect by graduation in an European country. Through this filed project the students will acquire culinary, cultural and linguistic skills within the participating destinations. National conventions and peculiarities in relation to operating cycles, organization models, labour and hygienic aspects as well as traditional cuisine and the offered service will be brought closer to the participants. The participants will enlarge their professional experience, specialized skills and knowledge through their stay in the host countries and thus will show more mobility in professional life after completion of the initial training. Depending on the contract the internship will be hold in the domains of cuisine, service and reception. By dividing the participants of the project will obtain insight in the culture of the respective country, they will learn specific techniques of the national cuisine, will practice taking care of the guests and working in the front office. The valid curriculum will be handed to the registered partners. Contents of teaching and teaching aims will be given the participants and then discussed with the instructors. The training objectives of the registered partners will be stipulated in the contract. Any kind of support will be made by the distribution of the teaching material. The teaching material comprises, dependent on the year, competences and skills, students should achieve within one school year and which should be strengthened and enlarged. The aim of this internship is to implement the theoretical and practised input in the professional life. In the course of an external internship it additionally will be added that any country shows specific peculiarities widening the professional and vocational competences and the social horizon of the individual participants. After termination of the internship the students shall pass on their experiences to the school community, parents and friends which will lead to an increase of accepting strange cultures and views and will further bring internationality to school. An external internship generates a positive effect for applications for a job on a higher level as it shows flexibility and mobility. It is further a perfect tool for the school to generate pupils as they get the possibility to pass a sponsored internship abroad.

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