Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's goal is to identify potential for collaborating with other schools in Europe, bring expertise and develop models and systems that can help us achieve our goals of reducing “drop out”. The Erasmus program provides the framework for mobility with staff and pupils, and through the Erasmus projects there have been developed new models that can systematized and it has provided the basis for cooperation across national borders. The benefit for our school by participating in the project is that we will get increased competence among teaching staff who will get the students in the form of new teaching methods, which can capture several rivers in the form that more will complete and pass. Thor Heyerdahl Upper Secondary School will work actively within internationalization. In addition, based on what we have gained some experience from previous projects with several partners from European countries. We have many requests on cooperation and has thus now able to collaborate with employee exchange. The staff participants' “Job shadowing "and internship in partner. In addition, that it should be possible to apply for ICT courses held by different actors in Europe. In this way, we will gain insight into partner work within targets. Moreover, opportunities that can provide courses themselves and bring their education by updating themselves with the language they teach and update ICT knowledge. We will bring new inspiration and new skills that we want to use. Participants must apply to participate in the project and to preparations that are necessary for the project will be deductible in the school project. The practical penetrations will be take care of by administrative staff as airline reservations and other transportation. We expect that by end of the project we will have gained increased competences in the fields that we have in the project; -Increased number of students who complete and pass schooling. -New teaching methods and educational and didactic development. -Upgrading ICT systems. The school expects that we will have new opportunities to insert and new measures to the school goals by the problem of dropping out and new method / didactic input. An established and committed relationship with partner and we hope for increased awareness and knowledge of school managers and teachers in the fields and that it will provide further reduction in dropout rates and a more varied and interesting lessons for the students. Dissemination of project results will carried out thru many channels. We will use forums with coordinators for specific task; will inform their colleague within the specific areas. Firstly, information about the project will be on the school website and it will inform the principal collection, is a meeting place for all employees. Vestfold County also has an internationalization network group that reports to the school administration at the county level and we have possibility to inform the group about all the international activity in each school in Vestfold County to each other.

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