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Erasmus+ et Eurostart 2014 : Une expérience forte pour nos apprentis
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Every year, the CFA Médéric provides catering and hospitality training for 650 young people. For the fourth year running and in narrow association with the Regional council of Paris, the French employment agency and the agency " Europe Éducation Formation France ", the CFA Médéric has wished to participate in the program " Eurostart ". This program, which is based mainly on the program " Erasmus + ", allows young apprentices who have just obtained a professional diploma, to dedicate a school year to improve their foreign language skills and to acquire in Europe other professional skills before resuming higher or complementary courses in alternative training. So, 12 young apprentices from 18 to 25 years old who will obtain in June, 2014 their professional diploma, will be mainly selected on their motivation to live one year "Eurostart". They will start this exceptional experience in September, 2014 and will begin with a period of 2 months in the CFA Médéric to prepare their stay, find their employer in Europe and take some language courses. Then they will go for 6 months in the European country of their choice and will occupy a full-time job in the company, in the kitchen, in the restaurant or in pastry department. This internship is followed by two other months at the CFA to conclude and formalize this experience and to prepare the following school year at a higher level. Organized under the supervision of the CFA Médéric and under the training agreements, with a status of " trainee of the vocational training ", this experience allows the young people to improve their level in a tremendous way, to acquire an incomparable work experience and to enrich their CV with a valuable experience, so developing their employability in responsible jobs in a profession eager for multilingual collaborators. The professionals of the catering and the hotel industries, who receive very often foreign customers, know that the welcome of their guests in their language is fundamental for their development of customer loyalty and to bring them the best service. For our trainees, the employment is so widely favored... And in the long term, these young people can obtain responsibilities more quickly, and may be travel professionally in international hotel groups. "Eurostart" so aims to be a "booster" in their career !
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