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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Agrarian Vocational School of Vagos was founded in September 1989 by program contract concluded between the Municipality of Vagos, Vagos Agricultural Cooperative and Agricultural Secondary School of Vagos. In the year 2000 it takes the designation of Vocational School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vagos (in Portuguese, EPADRV), assuming the status of public authority and moves to Gafanha da Boa Hora, where occupies an area of approximately 10 hectares. EPADRV, investing and developing their work in proximity with the region in which it operates, is today a center of development in the areas of Agropecuary, restoration, environmental and rural tourism and renewable energies with the HelioAgro project. It also promotes contests, events, catering services. It produces daily hundreds of liters of milk and annually tons of vegetables. Under the slogan "A school for everyone, qualifying each one", it has responded to dozens of youngsters, who annually seek for a qualified training of excellence. In the constant encouragement to youngsters to complete their school careers successfully, the school instituted awards for the best students in different courses, thus recognizing individual merit and the action of every student in school and in extra-school community activities. A school is not only done by students and therefore the training body has not been neglected. All the training body members have training available to them, through the training center or partner companies. This training is always an asset and, in some cases, a requirement for the reviews. For EPADRV it means leveraging and maximizing the potential of each professional trainer and teacher, in order to ensure the greatest success of their students. EPADRV defined their project through the identified needs, taking as general objectives: ➲ Promote new experiences and life-experiences in international territory ➲ Promote the interest of learning other languages ➲ Provide training skills to youngsters that enable them to be co-responsible in the economic recovery of the region and the country ➲ Provide visits and international internships of reference ➲ Fight school abandonment ➲ Promote the employability of its students, with a target of 75% ➲ Increase the mechanisms of internal management, planning and monitoring of activities ➲ Promote a continuous training plan based on the needs detected by teaching and non-teaching staff ➲ Promote stability among teaching and non teaching staff, with updated skills and more ability to respond to the challenges posed by a student body in constant change For this project we propose the involvement of several participants, covering all the bodies of the school: ➲ 15 students from vocational training: 4 from Agricultural Production; 4 from Equine Management; 4 of Restoration 4 of Industrial Maintenance ➲ 5 teachers of Portuguese, Mathematics, Philosophy, English and ICT. ➲ 5 (technical/ operational) professionals: 2 Administrative, 1 Librarian, 1 Operational Assistant and 1 Coordination of School Administration Services The activities planned to take place during the project are: STUDENTS - Academic Internship (12 weeks) and language and cultural training course (1 week) EXPECTED TIMETABLE - June to September 2015 STAFF – Activities of job shadowing (2 weeks) EXPECTED TIMETABLE – April and May 2015 Destination of the mobilities: France / Spain / Germany ➲ 15 students from the courses of Agrarian Production; Equine Management; Restoration (Cooking&Bakery/Restaurant&Bar; Industrial Maintenance Spain ➲ 2 teachers – Mathematics and Philosophy ➲ 3 staff - SAE Coordination; Librarian; Operational Assistant Italy ➲ 3 teachers– ICT, Portuguese and English ➲ 2 staff – administrative The desired impacts in the PARTICIPANTS are: ➲ Strengthening the personal profile of the participants ➲ Improved self-esteem ➲ Solid European experience and knowledge of European dynamics ➲ Master of strategic European languages ➲ Increased motivation for the studies ➲ New entrepreneurial attitudes and of personal investment ➲ Attitudes to enhance human rights, citizenship and gender equality ➲ Consolidation of the certified Skills in the training path ➲ Up to date and competent teaching and non-teaching staff ➲ Competent technicians in school management and relationship with students ➲ New methods of fighting failure in core subjects ➲ Setting a larger network of peer contacts at the European level The disclosure and dissemination of the project will take place at the beginning, middle and end, using Internet, press and radio, and with the following target-audience: ➲ School community ➲ Population of the county ➲ Companies and prospective employers in the region ➲ International network of partners ➲ Partners / international investors – promotion of the region The international partners will promote the project in their networks. All the documents will be included in the final report.

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