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Építőipari szaktanárok, oktatók és szakmunkás fiatalok szakmai továbbképzése
Start date: Aug 12, 2014, End date: Aug 11, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our project we have implemented three mobility programmes, a half-year vocational practice in France, England and Germany for young skilled workers and practical training for teachers and trainers teaching masonry and dry wall works. School-leaver apprentices worked for building contractors in Germany and France under work contract. They have had the opportunity to undertake serious and high-standard work for very high level in professional foreign building contractors for which they would – in most cases – have never had the opportunity in Hungary. The two young carpenters participating in the Compagnon project in France and Britain received specialized professional training after their daily work. One of them received board and accommodation in the „Compagnon House” in Paris while the other rented a flat with his mates in Britain. After their working hours on workdays they attended specialized drawing courses between 8pm and 10pm and workshop practice on Saturdays. In Germany, there was no organized every-day vocational training similar to those above available for young people. They generally lived there alone in subtenancy and had to provide their living on their own. The participants in the project experienced considerable further development not only in the new professional knowledge they obtained at the place where they worked but also in their personality. They became more independent and dedicated. Not only they could enhance their communication, risk assumption and adaptation competences but they also improved their self-confidence, self-esteem and way of thinking. In our practical training project for trainers engaged in teaching masonry and dry wall works, teachers of training schools and in-service practical trainers took part. We implemented the two-week masonry training in August 2014 in Traunstein at the Off-plant Practical Training Centre of the Bavarian Chamber of Crafts and one-week plasterboard training in May 2015 at the Training Centres of Rigips Company in Austria. Invitation letters of our teaching training projects were sent to all vocational training institutions for construction in the country. At the selection of participants it was an advantage if a training school teacher and an in-service practical trainer applied, because they can employ what they had studied. In both projects, the participants attended a workshop practice following a brief theoretic introduction. The trainer in charge of the practice evaluated the exercises completed according to the evaluation criteria used in practical training in that particular country. We have already been cooperating with our French and German partners for more than a decade and have implemented several successful mobility projects during that period. However, with our Austrian partner this was the first common project. We collated the work programme consulting with our receiving partners by phone and email in advance, based on preliminary survey of the requirements. In the evaluation of the project results in addition to the sending and receiving partners, the participants of the project took also part. The two Hungarian apprentice carpenters worked together with their fellow learners of the same profession participating in the project and learning at the Compagnon House. The appointed head of the working group coordinated and supervised their professional work. The professional groups held meetings monthly, where the members gave an account on the work they had performed during that period and then they determined the professional tasks to be performed during the consecutive period. Those meetings were also attended by senior masters of that region. The Compagnon professionals in charge of the project also maintained continuous contact with the employers of young people and monitored their professional development. In Germany, the employers of young people were contacted by the executives in charge of the Biberach and Traunstein Practical Training Centres and the work of young people was also monitored by them. So they could inform us immediately of the problems or requests arising (if any), enabling us to make a prompt feedback. Together with the representatives of the sending and receiving partners during the training course we monitored the implementation of our teacher training project. So we were able to take prompt actions to modify the programme according to problems or needs that might arise. On the last day of the study tour, the receiving partners evaluated the results of the project jointly with the participants. The participants than received a certificate about completing the course and the Europass Certificate. We advertised information about the results of the project on ÉVOSZ’s website and in Newsletters and also in the learned journal Magyar Építéstechnika.
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4 Partners Participants