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Eπιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτών σε καινοτόμες δράσεις & εκπαιδευτικά εργαλεία προώθησης της διδακτικής της Επιχειρηματικότητας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης & της Κοινωνικής Επιχειρηματικότητας στους σπουδαστές/στριες Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης της Σιβιτανιδείου Σχολής
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project concerns the training or 30 trainers and personnel (teachers and hourly paid individuals - members of the Centre for Counselling & Career Services Office, Directors & Heads of HR management & training) from Sivitanidios Vocational Training Institute (IEK SDSTE), at premises of Enterprise Education Trust in London, in innovative activities, methodologies & modern educational tools for teaching entrepreneurship, including Social Entrepreneurship to students of IEK SDSTE. The main objective for the participants is, to gain knowledge, develop and upgrade their skills in order to transfer their experience and good practices from the receiving organisation, to their working environment (training, consulting, design innovative educational activities, use of ICT) and promote the development of business & social skills of students in IEK SDSTE. The association of education and training to the labour market and the introduction of the entrepreneurial spirit in VET, remains an issue at the national level and a key priority of European policy for the period 2014-2020. In recent years there has been a serious effort in the EU countries, matching the vocational training, with the constraints of economic reality. Within such a context, the role of training is increasingly linked with the need to safeguard employment. The request for a substantial coupling between training and the labour market, upsetting the traditional barriers between the two is imperative. In particular this applies to Vocational Training, students whose heavily demanding immediate integration into the labour market immediately after the end of their studies. There is a need for vocational training systems to produce new skills to respond to new jobs, improving adaptability and employability of graduates in the workplace. The Enterprise Education Trust, has to deposit significant experience on teaching entrepreneurship in VET sustem and has set as its main goal the empowerment of young people in anticipation of their output in the labour market - the teaching of business strategies & cultivating the appropriate qualifications and skills. According to the training program and to letter of agreement, the objective is training the participants through experiential exercises, workshops/training, analytical presentations by executives of Enterprise Education Trust, so at the end of the program have been achieved all the educational objectives. The proposed project addresses the need interconnection of ' Entrepreneurship' & 'Vocational Training', where the participants will have the opportunity: a) to exchange experiences and to become acquainted with the methodology and practices used to receiving organisation, for the teaching of entrepreneurship in students of vocational training in England. b) to acquire new knowledge and skills to implement educational models, transfer & integrate new methods and techniques in the existing system here, to improve the training provided at IEK SDSTE, in order to develop the skills of students in both cognitive and emotional level and to adopt a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship as a career option. c) to upgrade their qualifications, for the correct prediction and a better match between skills and labour needs, which has great importance for our country's exit from the crisis and also for long-term employment prospects. The impact of the implementation of the project relates to integration of data and useful conclusions in the design of new skills at IEK, and the introduction of the teaching of entrepreneurship in them. The ultimate goal is for the period 2014-2020, under Them. Objective 10 "Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning" and in particular the Investment Priority 2 " Improving access to lifelong learning, upgrading skills & abilities & on-line education & training to the labour market", embedded in the curriculum Vocational skills modules and actions aimed at connecting vocational training to the business world. The proposed project will be set up at the Enterprise Education Trust in London, in two streams (15 persons per stream) from January 2015 to the end of January 2016.

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