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Epigenetic regulation of the adaptative response of C.reinhardtii to development and environmental stresses:Characterization of .Histone PTMS,gene regulation and pathways employing a Systems Biology (EpiSysBiol)
Start date: Aug 10, 2010, End date: Aug 9, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Reversible modifications of DNA sequence and histones serve as a fast and accurate process to regulate gene expression. These mechanisms act specifically and co-ordinately, constituting what is called the epigenetic code, and influence a multitude of cellular processes including, besides the regulation of the transcription, differentiation, DNA replication, repair or imprinting, among others. Aided by the use of multidisciplinary combination of new technologies such as epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics “EpiSysBiol” is expected to precisely identify the epigenetic changes and the variations in the proteome and metabolome that may regulate upon stress conditions and developmental processes in Chlamydomonas. Growth and stress processes mediate the formation of lipidic bodies and biomass in this specie, considered to be the third generation biofuel productor and CO2 trap. Research and training in –omics technologies are expected to stimulate European competitiveness in resolution of epigenetics and systems biology with significant scientific impacts and will help the implementation of Chlamydomonas in European climate change prevention strategies. Therefore “EpiSysBiol” is introducing EU prioritary research directions and topics, to improve the quality of European research in molecular and systems biology, to provide advanced expertise in epigenomics and to carry out interdisciplinary technical developments important not only for plant sciences but also for life sciences and for entire society.

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