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Start date: Sep 25, 2014, End date: Sep 24, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ” EPA!- Erasmus+Pregatire+Angajabilitate” had its origin in analiyzing the necessity(expressed by the employers,parents and by the students themselves) to provide practice preparation stages which facilitated the personal,professional and social developement of students in an effective way and efficient the transition of the future graduated highschool students from the school to work or IPT and not formal convention,papers which showed our good performances and how much practice we had done.Directed to students from the lower level of the 10-th classes in the domain of general preparation Tourism and Nourishment and those had having technical and proffesional studies in the calification of Chef and Merchant-Sellers Shop Assistants who live in the rural area and because they were at the beginning of their career, the project had the purpose to develop the main important abilities ”Transition from school to the new job” (SPP approved Nr.2 Annexed at OMEdC nr.1847 from 29.08.2007) and competences in international context and their recognition for passing to a superior/higher level of preparation, to obtain a qalification in tourism and preparation industry and trade. General objectives: To improve the tranzition process from education and training to the global market the tourism services and nourishment for 50 students of the Domokos Kazmer High School from Sovata who live in the rural area and are trained professional strengthening in the same time the european cooperation in the education domain area. The participants, the students LTDK made perform a professional stage of formation in IP and DE in the training institutions at Escola Professional de Montijo- AFPDM and FGZ Leipzig with period of studies at work in the following periods : - hotel- those from Tourism for 3 weeks - Restaurant- the future chefs, the duration of placement 5weeks - Supermarket-the future merchant sellers, duration 6weeks - Kitchen at FGZ, from the Nourisment,duration 3weeks Training run on two levels: The practical training, the education content of the stages fulfil: 1. For students of the tourism the modul CDL ”Practice in residentional hotel area” 2. For students from the nourishment the modul CDL ”Practice in catering units” 3. For the future chefs the modul MIV ”Tippical dishes” 4. For students from trade the module CDL ”Practice in modern retail” ,approved from CA of the school and ISJ Mures and contained in National Curriculum approved by the Annex 2. At OMECTS 4463/12.07.2010(pt.1 and 2.) and duration of the placement coincide with the set of curriculum approved by Ministerial Order for these field training,Annex 3 at OMECTS 331/25.02.2010. Cultural training in the free time and weekend as part of activity. Previous mobility unfolded Pedagogical ,Cultural and Linguistic Training for a good communication in a foreign language in the host country,knowledge cultural specialities of Portugal and Germany and ensured a good correspondent between expectation and opportunities offered. It was an innovative approach to providing practical training surged technical and financial support for students from group with difficulties in accesing to labor market training for proper practical training at European tourism units of the European tourism industry and European Hospitality and Modern trade. Results and Impact: - 50 students with skills,knowledge and competence qualification improved key,purchased in european area,in countries with experience and tradition in tourism,nourishment and modern trade, evaluated and validated in PT and DE,transfered and recognized in Roumania,with linguistic,cultural competence and social(Erasmus priority) which achived a smooth transition from school to work,contributing to the improvement of regional index and reduce unemployement in among youth nationwide, european (Strategies 2020) - 2partnerships ECVET formalized by MOU and LA that ensured a high quality on international interships and increasing mobility (national priority Erasmus) achieve ob.Erasmus+ 650.000 mobilities/year. - 3 CDL developed in partenership with European trades, hotel units and catering trade and monitoring tools intership in the domain of Tourism and Nourishment Trade which increased the quality of intership, the quality of education and efficiency of the learning alignment of policies VET of the local developement strategies (2014-2020 Centre Region Priority Ax 5,and national PND) - Sustainability is ensured by multiplying the results, new projects, teaching aids and support materials will ensure continuity of the project orgnization.
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