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Entwicklung von Lehr-/Lernmethoden zur individuellen Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background of the project Wiedner Gymnasium/Sir Karl Popper school is a Viennese grammar school/high school with a special branch for the highly gifted, altogether consisting of 720 pupils and a teaching staff of 95 pedagogues. Since 1998 the experimental gifted branch has gained international reputation. In the course of the years, this school has established partnerships with universities and colleges in Vienna. It has been involved in international networks of innovative schools and teacher training institutions which offer special competencies in the field of gifted education; thus Sir Karl Popper Schule can rely on its experiences with these institutions and contribute its knowledge in this new project. In some subject areas lessons are already being given in two languages. Aims of the project In the context of the exchange programme, methodological competencies of the pedagogues in providing individual support for the pupils are strengthened. Additionally, teachers are acquainted with new didactic concepts which can then be applied in teaching the gifted as well as pupils at a regular school. Increased cooperation between teachers inside and outside classrooms is meant to enforce professionalism. Teachers are supported in developing further European/international projects. All in all, by means of teacher training bi-lingual tuition will be introduced in more subjects. Description of measures/activities We delegated 6 members of the teaching staff who participated in three parts of activities: one teacher participated in the CLIL training programme in the UK, two have been acquainted in four parts with pedagogy centered around the person as outlined by the eVOCATIOn teacher training programme to develop their own lessons in accordance with this programme and three teachers exchanged experiences during job-shadowing with teachers from partner schools. In two stages they had also the opportunity to teach at the partner school. The expected overall result is to safeguard that experiences, make new pedagogical paths and internationalization, to prove beneficial to all pupils, whether those in the gifted branch or those in regular teaching.

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