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Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: The project «Entrepreneurship4Sport» has as its strategic objectives the acceleration of ideas on sports area, the promotion and enablement of young people to entrepreneurship and the creation of business projects on the sports area. PARTNERS: Associação Portuguesa de Gestão do Desporto (APOGESD) Associación Galega de Xestores Desportivos (AGAXEDE) Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Fafe (IESF) BACKGROUND: It is notorious that sports have been achieving high requirement levels. Thus, as there is the possibility to develop new products and services on sports area, each day, it is more and more necessary to give to young people the necessary knowledge and the management tools for them to handle their projects in a conscientious form, in a sector where the logic of management, entrepreneurship and the business initiative is still seen as theoretical concepts. Thus, this project will give to 70 Portuguese young people and 50 Spanish young people those skills with a set of non-formal educational activities being the target group young people aged between 18 and 30 that are finishing their studies; who have no job, education or internship or young people that even working have precarious jobs and have one business idea on sports area. We will give priority to people with less opportunities, namely geographic and economic difficulties. ACTIVITIES: During the project internet media, pedagogical tools and a booklet will be produced as well as a short video that will show all the process of the project. In what concerns the activities of non-formal education that will take place either in Portugal, with Portuguese participants, or in Spain, with Spanish participants, in each country it is expected to be done: • One workshop per month with relevant subjects for the participants; • Tutorial service, depending on the level of the help needed by each participant, which will help the implementation of the ideas by the young people. This implementation has as a minimum requirement the materialization of a business plan; • Four virtual meetings with successful entrepreneurs in order to transmit real cases and show some obstacles that can be faced, good practices and knowledge; • A moment of monitoring of the projects through the presentation of those projects to a jury (Technical Pitch). During the project it is also foreseen the realization of a non-formal education activity that will be done in Portugal with the participation of Portuguese and Spanish young people who were selected in the Technical Pitch to present the most sustainable projects. As part of this activity it will be done: • Lunches with the participants for them to interact not only with each other but also with the trainers in an informal way; • Team buildings with the trainers of the projects in a logic of development of personal, social and professional capabilities; • Guided tours to sport institutions, improving the knowledge of young participants; • Presentation of young people´s projects to potential funders (Financial Pitch). It will be also prepared a Seminar «Sport Entrepreneurship» where will be presented the scope of the project, the diversity of activities developed and the achievements. The Seminar will have the contribution of those young participants that during the project presented the most structured projects but also of people outside the project, namely APOGESD partners, representatives of schools, universities, federations and associations linked to sport as a way of improving one culture of conscientious and complete sports management and eventually being able to, after this project, prepare similar projects that will contribute to the resourcefulness of the sports area. In addition, the young participants in the project, with the acquired knowledge, may help other young people to implement their businesses. The intellectual outputs of this project that will be accessible in three languages and will be freely available may help other young people in their academic and professional lives, too. Thus, society as a whole will benefit because it will have more active people and these people will be empowered by the knowledge of the good practices and having also in account that the project will help to build businesses and this will have a strong impact in the employment of the young people. CONCLUSION: Being the present project of a high scale and with concrete and relevant objectives on sports area we think that this project will fit in the objectives and challenges of Erasmus + program. Key-words: Young people; Non-formal education; Entrepreneurship; Equity; Cooperation.

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