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Entrepreneurship Strengthening Cross-Border Programme between the Körös-Sárrét (HU) and Bors (RO) Areas (ESCBPKB-HURO)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project was to resolve the following problems caused by the isolation of the businesses on the project’s target area by means of targeted communication:• Multinational firms do not set up their supplier network on the project’s target area. Partners have to be found outside the region, because the locals don’t realize the benefits of a specific industry.• Because of the weakness of the economy, the entrepreneurs of the region consider the similar businesses as competitors, rather than partners.The general objective of the project is improving cross-border business co-operation in the target regions.The direct beneficiaries of the project, besides the businesses of Füzesgyarmat and Bors towns, are the whole region’s 2,500 Hungarian and 1,500 Romanian companies.The main specific activities of the project are: publishing a cross-border magazine throughout the project (12 month), in order to present the idea of business cooperation beyond borders to the public; creation of an E-market and an electronic newsletter; case study on the past, present and future of entrepreneurial cooperation between Békés (HU) and Bihor (RO) counties; participation in specific events; purchase equipment.Among project results: 1 Joint Development Agency between Körös-Sárrét and Bors regions, 1 Joint database created for the enhancement and facilitation of cross-border co-operation, 25 institutions, organizations or companies directly involved into business/entrepreneurship trainings, 1000 institutions, organizations or companies directly involved in business meetings and conferences, 1000 institutions, organizations or companies directly involved into trade fares and exhibitions.

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  • 85%   87 864,48
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants