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ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Practical Skills to start a business in e-Commerce
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is fact that the business dexterity in Greece has made steps of progress. However, even if we hear more and more for the business dexterity and cause the young persons to attempt, we suffer in the sector of enterprising thought, the presentation of idea but also practical concretisation of enterprising drawings (business plan) because the business dexterity it is taught “academically” and no “proceeding”. Also, most businessmen in Greece continue attempting without plan and for reasons that they do not have they make with himself the idea, but make “something” if provided that exists also financing. It is obvious therefore, that we suffer in the concretisation. If do not exist planning, organisation of thought and real Business Plan, cannot a idea materialise itself with success. At the same time we discovered big interest, in local level, for the business dexterity, the newly established enterprises, and the prospects of career that they offer in the young persons. This does not only concern the creation of their own enterprise, but also the acquisition of dexterities that is required in order to they work for smaller scale, new company. Under these conditions the education and training of new prospective businessmen on issues business dexterity with accent in the space e-commerce, and in the planning of steps that should it follows for the creation of his own enterprise are absolutely necessary so that they undertake enterprising initiatives. The project had as basic aim present in participating with absolutely practical way the elements, the scientific techniques and the tools that compose the effective planning and lead to achieved concretisation of enterprise with accent to the space e-commerce and were analyzed subjects of business dexterity as much as internet. Objective was it helps practically the participating in the pose of enterprise, offering directions for the thoughtful and strategy that it should they follow, always with base the possibilities and the resources of each one concerning the needs of market. Also you seek and it achieved, it prompts participating, they participate in international activities in order to they acquire European conscience, they gain precious professional experience and they are encouraged participating in for life improvement their professional and linguistic dexterities, developing the technologies of information technology and communications in their work in daily base In the present project, they participated the 36 globally worked out IEK TOMH and 3 accompanying persons in 3 rows. As countries of reception were selected Italy, Germany and Spain. Participating per flow they were constituted by boys and girls, while all had knowledge of use of new technologies and knew basically at least English. The educational content were materialised in units, with criterion the knowledge and practical dexterities that are required in order to they correspond in the requirements of modern Job market and according to the analytic program that had been agreed. The program was materialised as for his theoretical part in the installations of institutions of reception, while the practical part was realised in relative with the object of training enterprises, that had been selected by the host organization in collaboration with the iSending organization IEK TOMH. With their attendance in the project participating comprehended the elements that compose the planning and the concretisation of enterprising plans in general but also specifically in the e-commerce, term “strategic” concerning the enterprising idea, the methodology of thought and planning of idea to concretisation through special formes (templates and flowcharts), knowledge and dexterities in e-Commerce, practical knowledge of application of tools and technical on-line for the promotion and support of idea and they came in contact with different labour environments knowing with ayto ton way alternative structures of work. In the cultural program they participated all participating per flow. Were organised, tourist visits in museums, and historical buildings, became visits in near cities Everything (proposals and visits) were very good organised and were very good the results for participating.

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