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Entrepreneurial teaching and learning in a European context
Start date: Aug 18, 2014, End date: Aug 17, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The background of the Fridaskolan Vänersborg two-year Erasmus+ project theme: "Entrepreneurial teaching and learning in a European context" was the international and national ongoing debate about education in Sweden, on all political levels as well as in the medias, referring to the PISA report and lack of motivation being the main reasons for the declining results in Swedish schools. The project aim was to find means to work actively to achieve the priorities stated in the EU Erasmus+ programme in a national, regional as well as local context. The work was to be seen as the start of a long term strategic development plan. With the help of our European network of school partners and skilled IST course providers, we have implemented our school guidelines and provided staff with competence and skills to develop ways to create a good environment for learning and efficient, entrepreneurial methods to motivate and provide the pupils with values and key competences. Through the project’s IST courses with nine course providers and job shadowing activities at three of our European partner schools, the Fridaskolan staff gained knowledge and skills in communication, ICT, social and environmental sustainability, how to handle pupils with learning disabilities or facing different challenges, methods for enhanced classroom activity and motivational boosts, entrepreneurship in a teaching and learning context as well as methods for teaching about values, in a society where boarders disappear but where xenophobia is an existing obstacle for co-existence. The project involved twenty-five participants, selected to cover as extensive and representative a choice as possible regarding age, gender, subjects and levels taught as well as previous international experience. Also to have the greatest possible impact in our school - in a more longterm perspective, thus selected according to the needs of the organisation and the individual's needs for IST. Natural science teachers have focused on environmental aims, Social science teachers on values, staff who work with ICT on different levels were provided the equivalent IST and job shadowing, mentors for British teacher trainees got more insight into British teacher training. Participants in all activities as well as language teachers established personal contacts and further cooperation opportunities. Three participants at management level, i.e. the school’s deputy principal, a head of department teacher and the international coordinator, participated in IST courses concerning internationalisation, project development and a specialized course for globalisation. The coordinator gained more skills about successful project implementation, documentation and dissemination from job shadowing at two experienced partners. Thorough beforehand communication with partner schools, preparation of participants, a good description of different tasks to be carried out and the expected outcome ensured professionalism in each project activity. New knowledge and skills were presented at conferences and implemented after each activity, thus having an impact on the entire organisation. The participants' presentations were disseminated via the internet and other media to reach a greater audience too. The participants' activity input, local discussion and the final project evaluation have provided useful suggestions for further project work and activities to be adopted into the school's development plan for future international activities. The long-term benefits of this project work have also been fulfilled: *The management's and coordinator's gained skills in project management and internationalisation will ensure continuity. An Internationalisation policy has been created. Preparations are made for job shadowing visits at our school, KA1 and KA2 partnerships as well as development for further pupil and staff digital and physical exchanges. The staff's acquired knowledge and international experience have been and will be shared to inspire others to further extend the international influences at our school. Additional media channels have been created for efficient dissemination. The staff's active participation in the activities, created new connections with schools, IST course providers and other expertise. This triggered further activities - networking and cooperation in other areas and subjects and involving more colleagues both at partner schools and at home. The extended project network we have created with other IST course participants, our partner schools' management and staff and their partner schools will give staff and pupils access to first-hand information from contacts all over Europe. We now host colleagues from partner schools and prepare for digital eTwinning- and digital and physical Erasmus+KA1 and KA2 cooperations. In turn, this will motivate everyone even further to work on communication skills and entrepreneurial forms of learning from each other in a European context.

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