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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The high youth unemployment in the EU makes it necessary to promote entrepreneurship education in order to develop active citizenship, employability of our youth and the creation of new businesses. It will therefore be important to strengthen the links between education and the world of work by developing new approaches. This strategic association is carried out to improve the language skills of both students and teachers, students develop entrepreneurship and the European culture and to promote the transfer of knowledge and good practice among educational institutions from different countries. The project will be destined to 30 students aged 16-20 who are doing a vocational training course or Baccalaureate, in Italy and Spain. The objectives on which the project is based are: - To improve the level of competence and language skills of our students; - To develop in our students the skills and competences required in the international labor market; - To promote the mobility of students and teachers ; - To improve the teaching and learning of languages and promote linguistic diversity and intercultural awareness ; - Create alliances with new partners. An active and participatory methodology will be used, where the use of ICT tools will be essential. Among the management and development activities, we can find: 1º Dissemination of the project: report to the faculty, the school board, the students and their families. It is important to maintain diffusion throughout the entire project, as it will be available on the websites of the centres and the e-Twinning platform. 2º Transnational teacher meetings. There will be one at the beginning and another at the end of the project. 3º Each school is responsible for developing the documentation established in the coordination meeting, such as student satisfaction surveys, transnational contingency plans, student selection interviews, etc. All the documentation will be made available to all partners through virtual environments. 4º Assessment and control of the project: each school will evaluate the activities and prepare a summary report of the findings, suggestions for improvement or notable aspects of the evolution of the project. The project is also include teaching, learning and training activities. There will be two types : a) Virtual Mobility. b) Exchange of students: two will be carried out throughout the entire project: - One will take place during the first year (April and May). The conclusions, findings and experiences of the work groups both in the educational and working environments will be presented during the exchange, organizations. - Another one will be held during the second year (March- April). The conclusions, findings and experiences of the work groups both in the educational and working environments will be presented during the exchange, organizations. We will endeavor to create alliances of formative collaboration with companies from the country of destination. The results to be achieved with the development of these activities are: - To improve the students’ language skills. - To develop the students' entrepreneurial skills. - To encourage transnational cooperation. The project will contribute to the improvement of language skills, both of students and teachers. Furthermore, this project aims to achieve a network of contacts with other Vocational Training institutions in order to offer students internships with companies in other European countries and provide teachers with periods "job shadowing". Therefore, this project initiates a cooperative relationship with the business environment in the partner countries, hoping to create links that allow our students in years to come to implement these practices in European companies. Moreover, the project will help boost entrepreneurship, cooperation and a transnational vision in students and their implementation will favour other students wishing to participate in such projects. They will be encouraged to study other languages and consider mobility both at a formative and work level. Enhanced with the project on entrepreneurship, cooperation and transnational vision, motivation and self-esteem will increase in the students participating in the project and can contribute in their respective countries, regions and localities to improve the level of skills and employability of its inhabitants, and even minimize the problems of unemployment in their area.
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1 Partners Participants