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Ensuring electricity availability at the Suoperä border stations
Start date: Nov 30, 2004, End date: Mar 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Kortesalmi–Suoperä border crossing point (later the Kuusamo–Suoperä border crossing point) was opened as a temporary crossing point for wood industry transport during 1965. The border crossing point’s status was discussed as being elevated to an international border crossing point at the turn of the 1990s, and the Finnish and Russian governments made a principle-level decision during 2001 to make the crossing into an international border crossing point. This project was to ensure that the electricity supply to the Kuusamo–Suoperä border stations was secured, thereby also contributing to the transformation of the crossing into an international border crossing point. The electricity supply was planned to be completed by installing electrical cables, data communication cables and at the same time laying piping for potential future cabling between the Kuusamo and Suoperä border stations. The responsibility for the electricity supply needed for the Suoperä border station actually lies with the Republic of Karelia; however, as the nearest power line on the Russian side is 60 kilometres away, the town of Kuusamo decided when preparing the border station during the late 1990s to assume responsibility for arranging the electricity supply to the future Suoperä border station for five years. This project was used to apply for funding to meet the costs incurred from creating the cabling. 50 percent of the project’s funding was received from the European Regional Development Fund. Achievements: The goal was achieved and the electrical cable connection was completed from Finland to the border station to be built in Russia. The new Suoperä border station buildings were turned over to Russian Customs and the boarder guard service in July of 2006, and the Russian authorities moved their inspection operations to the station during August of 2006. The Kuusamo–Suoperä border crossing point is now open to international traffic. It became the ninth border crossing point open to international traffic on the border between Finland and Russia.
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  • 50%   20 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform