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Ensure the consideration of MLG including the involvement of civil society, business and academia aspects in each of the priority areas
Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By the end of 2013, HALs will have had a dialogue with each of the PACs to discuss the need for targets and indicators directed to all administrative levels and the involvement of civil society, business and academia in their respective priority areas and flagship projects. Furthermore the HALs, together with 2-3 ‘pilot’ PACs, will develop methods for integrating MLG and involving civil society, business and academia in their respective PAs as an example also for other PAs. Achievements: A report on „Implementing Multi-Level Governance in the Baltic Sea Region“ was published in December 2013. The purpose of the report is to operationalize the concept of multi-level governance, to exemplify how it has been implemented in BSR projects and to inspire future projects under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The study shows that the three major elements and numerous further characteristics of multilevel governance (MLG) have been integrated in BSR projects. There are a number of examples illustrating how projects address MLG as such and its elements, namelypolicy integration, vertical and horizontal coordination.RecommendationsThere is not one MLG-model that fits all. MLG is case and context sensitive, i.e. depending on the theme, aim and scope of each particular project. Thus elements and characteristics of MLG need to be considered in an early stage of project development and adapted to the project setting. As shown in the report, elements and characteristics of MLG are already being addressed in the projects, but their further implementation could be addressed more explicitly and undertaken in a more structured way.The report is available under

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