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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Education, learning and disclosure, extension as in the History of the Great War, which we will celebrate the centennial, is at the heart of the project aimed at the same time teachers, students, pupils, and the general public. For teachers, students, educators, trainers a pedagogical manual will be produced in order to develop the issues, methods, objectives, educational tools to teach pupils the first modern War, total and global. For pupils we will realize concrete instruments to address classroom research on war: multidisciplinary itineraries designed from the exploitation of documents and other sources, who solicit learners from different grade levels to perform complex tasks in order to learn new concepts and skills; paths of knowledge that will lead to the realization that the construction of Europe has calming hatreds of the past, the cohabitation between languages, cultures, different ethnicities, in a spirit of mutual respect, tolerance, solidarity; Europe is an antidote and an admonition against the resurgence of hate, violence, discrimination, racism, chauvinism, totalitarianism in all its forms and manifestations. For the general public a nimble and attractive guide will be manufactured, including routes to discover places of war, as well as documents, testimonies as letters, diaries of infantrymen, photos, family drawings and narratives, maps, recites of war, sheets on visible traces and memories of conflict: memorials, shrines - mausoleums, museums, trenches.... The project involving universities, educational institutions, colleges, primary schools and cultural associations also, from three nations, France, Slovenia (Croatia), Italy, whose activities during the project will be linked by a red thread: willingness to cross eyes on the themes treated, commitment to work and produce together, in a vertical guideline will allow the dissemination of scholarly knowledge cascade and transformation into good practice to share. But why this choice? What they have in common these three countries? Slovenian (Croatian) and Italians, or better, Friuli people, fought from both sides of border «mobile» that would have been contended long after the Versailles Peace, under the command of generals who regarded with distrust ethnic «diversity». However Italians and French were allies and they also fought together, but what interested us most is the comparison can be done between Friuli, field of battle first, land occupation after, and the French Aquitaine Region, therefore trailing edge, that, depopulated by the enemy lead and the Spanish flu, became for tens of thousands of Friuli and Venetian people in the fascist «ventennio» a land of asylum, the Promised Land. For the rest the project aspires to be truly ecumenical from an intellectual point of view, to enable knowledge and apprehension of the Great War in its entirety and complexity. Research and historical investigation exploit any kind of source: oral sources, written documents, memories, literary production, movie, monuments and archaeological traces; will appeal to a wide variety of approaches and methods of history: global history, parallel history, micro-history, comparative history, quantitative history; demand the collaboration of other disciplines: anthropology, philosophy, science and technology, economics, sociology, statistics, literature ....; deepen all known aspects, hidden, repressed the war, those who are the subject of silences of history, « the inglorious war », war ignored, even taboo (manifestations of rejection of war, mutinies, war crimes, the repression of the civilian population by the national army, the atrocities of the enemy, the impossible mourning, the status of women…). Short and brief mobility enable pupils, teachers, students to learn the languages of the partners, to work together, in multinational group, perform common activities, discover the territory and heritage of others, to achieve a better understanding of European education systems.

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