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ENQA Projects 2008-2010

The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) will carry out in this project activities designed to facilitate the implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), approved by ministers of education in Bergen in May 2005, and to discuss European developments in quality assurance.ENQA is the umbrella organisation for the quality assurance agencies in the field of European higher education. The former Network established in March 2000 as a consequence to the European Council Recommendation 98/561/EC, became an Association on 4 November 2004 as a result of a unanimous decision by ENQA members. The registration process of ENQA as a private association in Finland was completed on 20 September 2005 and it started to function as an individual entity on 1 November 2005 after moving away from the premises of the Finnish Ministry of Education, where it had previously been housed and which provided administrative support. Following the mandate given by the European Ministers of Education in Bergen, ENQA has been actively committed, together with its E4 partners (EUA, ESU and EURASHE), to the establishment of the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) that will took on 4 March 2008. As one of the founding members of the Register, ENQA will have two representatives on the EQAR Register Committee and one representative on the Executive Board. Therefore, ENQA will be, together with the other E4 organisations, involved in the day-to-day management of the EQAR.The European Ministers of Education have acknowledged the important role of ENQA in European quality assurance and have stated so at each ministerial conference. ENQA will continue to carry out its crucial advisory function to Ministers in the Bologna Process, as is witnessed by its inclusion at Bergen as a Consultative Member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group and its invited attendance at BFUG Board meetings.The main outputs of the ENQA projects 2008-2010 are ENQA membership reviews to be conducted against the European Standards and Guidelines, and thus contributing also to the aims and needs of the EQAR; training of experts for the agency reviews and thus building up a pool of trained reviewers (of agencies); the organisation of events on current issues of quality assurance, followed by the publication of reports; and the continuation of ENQA's contribution to the Bologna Process. All outputs will be in English.

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