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Enjoy South Baltic! Joint actions promoting the South Baltic area as a tourist destination (Enjoy South Baltic !)
Start date: Jul 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall idea of the project is to promote the southern part of the South Baltic area (Germany, Poland, Lithuania) as attractive and competitive tourist destination in the global tourism market. In order to achieve this goal, different tourism stakeholders decided to join their forces in cooperation, instead of competing with each other. The attention is paid to the creation and implementation of the new, cross-border tourist products based on unique and specific recourses through the cooperation with the local and foreign SME's that provide tourist service and offer to the client.The project includes following sets of activities: - An analytical part: The current image of the southern South Baltic area is examined, including recognition of potential international tourism target markets and potential customers. On this basis, 3 thematic fields for the cross-border product development will be identified. - The creation/gathering of tourism products related to the chosen themes: they are developed during number of workshops, organized by each project partner in close cooperation with local tourist industry (e.g. tour operators, SMEs). All those gathered ideas will be condensed into 30 “all-around tourist packages”. - Each identified theme will have its own concept (i.e. description of current situation, inventory of tourist potential and attractions, transport services, new trends) and will be included in manual/guideline translated also to national languages. - Promotion activities: they include e.g. 3 ambient open air actions organized in target countries, direct meetings with representatives of the tourist industry, internet marketing including a website, press articles, study visits for tourist industry representatives, production of brochures and give-aways. All the project achievements will be presented during the summary conference, which will also serve as a communication platform with media. - The reports elaborated within the project will be sent to relevant stakeholders (e.g. European Commission) responsible for preparation strategy papers for the upcoming periods. Also findings from the project will be presented as a showcase during number of events connected with implementation of the Flagship 12.7 of the EUSBSR (e.g. Baltic Sea Tourism Forum, international fairs) The project has two main target groups: “domestic tourist actors” (e.g. tour operators, tourist agencies, etc.) responsible for implementation of tourist product packages and “foreign tourist actors” responsible for the promotion of the South Baltic tourist offer on their national markets. Achievements: Main achievements of the project are: 1. An analysis of tourist market has been carried out, regarding targets and possibilities of promotional activities. 2. target markets for those promotional activities were chosen. 3. Topics to be focused on with promotional activities were chosen.4. Workshops for local tour operators were arranged. 5. Cross-border tourist packages were defined.6. Results of the analysis of tourist markets are popularized during workshops and conferences.7. 3 ambient actions took place (Kaliningrad, Moscow and in Switzerland).8. The workshops for swiss and russian tour operators and journalists was arranged9. 7 study visits was organized

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  • 84.5%   1 003 459,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants