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ENIC Capacity Building Project Former Yugoslavia
Start date: Feb 1, 2012,

ENIC Capacity Building - Former Yugoslavia• Building on the success of previous capacity building projects, UK NARIC wishes to expand its capacity building activities in the Former Yugoslavian region to build on the positive outcomes and the established relationships with the participating ENICs from the previous capacity building project in the region. The key aims are to increase transparency and consistency in recognition practices across the ENIC/NARIC network by engaging closely with ENICs in the region, collaboratively examining existing recognition practices and surrounding issues as weil as identifying areas for discussion to assist a more coherent approach to recognition generally. By Including a mix of well-established and emerging centres from the region, the project will facilitate a platform to share best practice and discuss regional issues In education and recognition from a variety of different perspectives.» In order to achieve the required tangible outcomes, the project will contain of a number of workshops held in each of the participating countries in the region to present and discuss current recognition procedures. The specific programme for these workshops will be discussed at the kick-off meeting, however, topics may include:> Credential evaluation> Developing criteria and processes for recognition> European recognition tools and initiatives (e.g. EOF, ECVET, ECTS, Directive 2005/36 etc.)> Identifying fraudulent documents> Managing data> Training staff« The accompanying capacity building material will be jointly prepared by UK NARIC and the Croatian ENIC for all participating centres to benefitfrom. This project will have a demonstrable and long-lasting impact on improved recognition criteria and processes, increased understandingand knowledge of European recognition tools and initiative as well as increased transparency and coherent recognition processes across theregion.

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