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Enhancing public awareness on the results of European Health research actions through television media (HEALTH-TV)
Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The strategic objective of HEALTH-TV is to contribute to the development of public awareness on European Health research in all European countries through television media. This objective will be reached through the exploitation and the customisation of a highly innovative TV media communication model, successfully implemented by the HEALTH-TV partnership over the past 5 years. The project will: • Fill the existing communication gap between the technical content vehiculed by the Health research and the understanding skills of the general public • Identify the key results of the Health Theme, through the permanent consultation of its relevant constituencies (including the Commission Services) and an in-depth punctual research towards individual Health projects. • Create a series of 12 high-quality free-of-rights Video News Releases (VNRs) for the general public on the basis of the key results of the research. HEALTH-TV audiovisuals will be conceived in such a way to be easily adaptable to the needs of a wide spectrum of European TV channels, either for news or features usage. The audiovisuals will mostly focus on publicly available Health projects’ results. • Include HEALTH-TV audiovisual productions into the scientific and news TV broadcasting mainstreams of major national TV channels Europe-wide by targeting broadcast media from the 27 EU Member States. • Collect actual broadcasts made by European TV stations and include them on a DVD at the end of the project, for future use and exploitation. • Monitor the progress of the project and assess its achievements and success. • Measure the media impact of the project. The project expects to have each of its audiovisual production broadcast by at least 8 major national TV stations throughout Europe and to reach an overall public TV audience of several tens of millions people."

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