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Enhancing Motivation and performance of Profesional Training students based on Immersive methods in International Environments
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is based on the development of learning strategies within the framework of Vocation Training (FP – formación profesional), in order to improve learning processes and make them more applicable in the real working world while minimizing the number of student drop-outs. Learning methods are re-conceptualized through the use of immersive worlds and role and project-orientated learning. Scenario Centered Curriculum was applied to promote the acquisition and development of international co-operation skills through the use of ICT tools and systems. Ten partners make up the Consortium of the Project. La Salle Campus Barcelona (FUNITEC-Ramon Llull University, Spain), has the role of coordinating partner and there are three other main partners: FIDAE and ISP in Italy, and ASSEDIL in France, plus the six other associate partners that are the vocational training centers in which the Project will be developed (2 in Spain, 2 in Italia and 2 in France). The fundamental objectives of the Project are to: 1-Extend the use of practical, motivating, effective and international learning methodologies in the vocational training sectors in Spain, France and Italy 2-Increase the success rate of the students through providing experiences which they find highly-motivating and which also require a certain degree of individual commitment 3-Create a bank of educational program based in immersive worlds, projects and roles 4-Foment international co-operation through joint projects carried out by heterogeneous work groups made up of members from different social and cultural backgrounds 5-Pinpoint the degree to which different learning innovations can be applied to a group of students (role, online, international, etc) 6-Verify whether these new methodologies manage to meet the objectives set out and compare these results with those of traditional learning techniques used in Vocational Training centers. These objectives are set out in the framework of the EU strategic priorities 2014-2020 in reference to: The development of basic and transversal skills, the development of adapted evaluation systems, an increased and more intensive use of ICTs, more cohesion between the different evaluation systems and the promotion of the transfer of learning strategies and methodologies among the countries of the EU. The Project is divided into five stages which are in turn organized into activities: 1) Preparation: The activity program is reviewed 2) Content Generation: Teaching materials for the courses, a guide to the SCC teaching methodology and a guide on the evaluation methods used in the learning and laboral insertion process 3) Implantation. The teachers are trained. A pilot program with the SEO course is carried out to compare traditional methodologies with the SCC. The results of the learning are analyzed and the second year students are taught the MOBCOM course using SCC methodology in all the centers. Study of the laboral insertion of students. 4) Tracking. Collection of data from students performance and employability. 5) Results analysis and breakdown at the end of each of these courses. The methodology for the development of the Project is based on a two-phase spiral model. Initially the learning methodologies are implemented in the traditional form in a school in each of the three countries and then the same training is implemented in a different school using the SCC methodology. It is hoped that the impact and results of the project will strengthen pedagogical capabilities in the vocational training sector in the following ways: 1) Reduction in school absence and increase motivation and commitment from the student 2) Increased satisfaction level of the students 3) Creation of the need to learn, from their roles with the immersive world proposed 4) Creation of a certain degree of rivalry in the completion of ubiquitous tasks thanks to the use of various ICT systems 5) Boost knowledge of students’ mother tongue and the establishment of a lingua franca to carry out international tasks 6) Train the students and those already working and ensure that they are fully prepared to carry out the work expected of an officially qualified technician. The breakdown of the results will be published at international congresses on education and/or those related to HCC (Human Computer Interaction), as well as in the most relevant journals of these sectors. The short-term and long-term benefits of this Project are visible at both national and international level. On a global scale, all participating schools (more than 300 students) will benefit from the project as it may well be implemented in the other vocational training centers with which they are already associated (32 countries which make up the European Committee for Catholic Education. It is estimated that some 2,000 students and 300 teachers will either directly benefit from the project in some way.

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