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Enhanced vocational opportunities, knowledge and education

The EC launched an action plan to help EU 27 ensure that 90% of young people leave school with upper secondary degrees by 2020. Today unveiled that almost 14.4% of all 18 to 24 year olds in Europe leave school with a lower secondary degree or less which is hampering EU's goals of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. "Europe cannot afford that so many young people who have the potential to contribute to our societies and our economies are left behind. We need to realise the potential of all young people in Europe in order to recover from the crisis," said President Barroso (31/01/2011).The EVOKE (Enhanced vocational opportunities, knowledge and education) project ultimately aims to improve the quality assurance system for career guidance by transferring and adapting the model of combined innovative parts: the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of services and the method of social return on investment for the drop-outs and persons at risk of dropping out in IVT.The proposal is based on the transfer of two highly successful EU and Nordic Council of Ministers' projects, one of which (“Evaluation of vocational guidance service effectiveness”) a systematic evaluation tool (SAT & CFF) for career guidance effectiveness has been developed, and the knowledge about using such potentials will be transported, having the base for adequately evaluating the provided guidance services and the second of which "SROI-measure and monitor technique” has been working to capture the effects of programme to integrate immigrants and other target groups into the labour market. The project took care of effective use of capital in labour market skills of target group.The Quality Assurance Model (QAM) is thought to be of relevance and interest, not only to guidance practitioners but to managers, social partners, policy makers etc seeking to implement quality solutions in career guidance or to adapt them as part in IVT. Participants of project will receive QAM, the benefits of which include: a) the content where up-to-date results of quality enhancement/assurance in the field are structured into guidance service (evidence-based practice), b) the content will be a sustainable controlling and a replicable control and a measuring to be return of public investment into career guidance (outcomes and cost-effectiveness), c) benefits of use model to describe outcomes / impact e.g. return of public investment into guidance, completion rates for trainee, etc in IVT.An pilot phase will be followed by a testing of QAM with real guidance practitioners and youngsters and an evaluation process which will feedback into the fine-tuning of the constituent content.The work will be carried out by a consortium of five partners led by the Hadsel videregående skole / OPUS Hadsel all of whom have extensive experience in both career guidance and participation in EU-funded projects. The proposal includes extensive plans for dissemination and exploitation of the project results.
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4 Partners Participants