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Enhanced Multi-Professional Working in areas experiencing Educational Resistance
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Giessen-Vogelsberg region as well as in North Lanarkshire and Järfälla there is a great number of students with problems during their school career that lead to academic failure and drop out of the system (also known as NEETS). This starts with negative results in several subjects, with problems in behaviour, truancy and absenteeism and very often goes along with educational resistance. In the partner regions exist legal regulations and frameworks of support and help. There are teachers with special tasks as well as social workers, psychologists and persons of other professions to support the work of the regular teachers. The reality shows that the effect of all activities is limited often by the cooperation and the coordination of the acting persons. There are different people sent by different institutions with different professional backgrounds and different tasks, responsibilities, aims and instruments and sometimes even different employers who are dealing with the same students without knowing sufficiently one from each other. The efficiency of activities and support needs to be increased. There has to be better outcome and success of the mutual work. At the moment there is a lack of guidance and cooperation of these persons who should actually work as multiprofessional teams. Existing frameworks and rules are not well known or followed sufficiently and the different activities of the acting people are less often coordinated in an adequate way. We assume that this lack has a negative influence on the efficiency of multiprofessional teams. In order to increase the opportunities of students, who are in danger to fail and to decrease - the number of students, failing during their school career or dropping out of the system without any leaving certificate - the number of students with problems in behaviour and special social and emotional needs we want to inhance multiprofessional working. Processes of failure during the school career are to be counteracted through to a better coordination and cooperation of acting persons, institutions and instruments. The partner institutions in the project, local authorities, psychological service, county council, municipality, primary and secondary schoools will focus on this issue by a survey on the quantity and quality of cooperation in multiprofessional teams in schools. As an outcome there will be a collection of relevant data and a manual for headmasters and every acting person in the frame of support and guidance in schools. Task groups to steer and accompany the process will be established.
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