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English Teacher Training Course
Start date: Jul 14, 2014, End date: Jul 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Bäuerliche Schul- und Bildungszentrum (BSBZ) Hohenems is an agricultural center of competence in the Rhine Valley of Vorarlberg, a prospering region in the westernmost federal state of Austria. Situated in the border triangle of Switzerland-Germany-Austria, the school sees itself in line with its self-conception as a key regional player for the education of young people focussing on agriculture and rural development, as well as providing adult learning opportunities. In a world which is becoming increasingly international and a united Europe, we would like to enhance and initiate projects and cooperations on an international level. All these elements play an essential role for our teachers and our students as well (not least because of internships abroad). In this context, the school profile should be broadened and these measures will bring about a lasting improvement over the long term. In the course of these efforts, Carmen Summer-Thöny has been selected for a teacher training programme in Ireland due to a transparent selection procedure. Apart from English, she teaches computer science and life skills at our school, thus being predestined for profile development and passing on her knowledge within her lessons and to fellow teachers prospectively. Through this training progamme, our school is expecting a further enhancement in quality regarding the English lessons as well as the implementation of foreign-language elements into other subjects. Furthermore, the school intends to intensify its cooperations with students and teachers from various partner organisations through concrete projects and transparently present our school as an educational establishment with a European alignment. Social media and eTwinning will provide significant tools to ensure long-term success. The destination Ireland is of interest insofar as the Irish culture and history is very popular and the Irish agriculture also offers interesting aspects for our students offering new learning experiences for all involved in the project. The knowledge and experience gained in Ireland will be passed on to the students and the other teachers. We also plan to turn the idea of European cooperation into reality with concrete projects encouraged by participating in this teacher training programme. In the medium and long term, we expect an expansion and continuous improvement of the core competencies of our school. taking into account the regional dimension, including european aspects and broaden the scope of international cooperation.

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