Search for European Projects

English Teacher Training Course in Galway
Start date: Jul 5, 2014, End date: Jul 4, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EU teacher training program enabled me to go to Ireland in order to brush up and improve my English skills as well as to get to know new and innovative teaching methods. I was the only teacher from my school and there were only two other Austrian teachers in my course (one NMS teacher from the Tyrol and one grammar school teacher from Vienna). Other participants were from Spain or France. The teacher training course focused on the following topics: warmers and fillers, music and songs , different techniques for vocabulary learning and text writing, listening an reading comprehension exercises, use of new technology (internet, whiteboard, short videos, sequences from films. Commercials), Irish culture studies. A particular focus was put on pronunciation exercises and speaking in everyday situations. I could really benefit from this course and could integrate many of the newly acquired techniques into my own teaching ( new ideas for teaching adjective/adverb, quantities, pronunciation exercises, opposites, common idioms). One negative aspect was that some of the activities were rather for kindergarten level and not really for use in a secondary modern school. I participated in two excursions (day trips to Cliff of Moher, Connemara with Galway Tour Company), looked at a greyhound dog race and joined the teachers for pub nights. I spoke mainly English throughout these two weeks due to the participants´ different nationalities and tried to speak as much English as possible with my host family, too. The housing, however, was rather miserable and sub-standard. The travel organisation Travelmania was very helpful with my many questions and the booking. I think I will contact them again in case of a future school study holiday in England or Ireland. I can recommend the teacher training course in Ireland land as you learn a lot, however, you shoud be prepared for rather bad weather, poor housing conditions and classes with levels ranging from kindergarten teachers to grammar school teachers.

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