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Engagement, Créativité et Innovation au service du Participant
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Vocational school le Corbusier id labeled the high school of building Trades. It was renovated and has technical facilities and workshops for training in different fields related to building and public works. The participants are mostly from low socio-professional categories. They are recruited in Argenteuil Basin and the Ile De France region. The institution has a boarding school of excellence and layouts to receive students with specific needs. Relying on a long experience in training and mobility placements, the new project 2016-2019, involves the construction of a pedagogical and institutional environment able to ensure adequacy between initial, continuous, long life learning and working. To achieve that purpose, the school formed a steering committee and a multidisciplinary team trained to execute the project, ensure monitoring and dissemination. The Implementation of the project “I found my building company (business) integrating a land surveying cabinet” implies language skills, technical ones, digital literacy and the handling of technical instruments as total station and GPS.The project aims at training future European citizens with a dynamic cultural openness, a partnership mind and an entrepreneurial spirit, favoring post Baccalaureate training and evolutionary professional integration. The Progress and the execution of the project are structures according to an open-plan multidisciplinary teaching program, allowing students to acquire teamwork abilities, autonomy and the skills to synthesize and transfer knowledge and knowhow from one domain to another. Its purpose is also to strengthen the collaborative mind and prepare students for their placements in European companies with an efficient immersion.The European section works as an energizing structure, favoring academic success for all the students, ensuring long term innovative methods, reinforcing foreign language learning consolidating European citizenship values, promoting self-learning and e-learning. By linking the training to the local, national and international context, the school hopes to establish future post Baccalaureate sections.

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