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Enerjimizi Boşa Harcamayalım
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Electricty has to be distributed dissipationless in order to be used economically. When distributing electricity, a loss of energy comes forth. The compensation system which is our project subject have been developed to reduce energy loss to zero point. The compensation system is built as boards and mechanisms, with very different calculations, in order to minimize reactive power at the points where the electricity is used the most. At this point, creating regulations about using compensation systems and works about increasing productivity of these systems have made these systems to be used commonly and increased the number of installment of these systems. It’s been located that there is a lack of qualified staff in the market even though there is that mentioned common use and installment creates a large work load. Students take 32 hours of “Compensation Devices and Assembling” classes during their vocational trainings. These 32 hours of training is insufficient for the compensation field which requires theoretical and practical qualifications, both at once. Students must develop their vocational knowledge and skills and keep their qualifications about compensation field updated in order to avoid unemployment after graduation. The main objectives of our project which was prepared considering these fundamental needs are below: -Our participating students to experience vocational self-development through the most updated practices applied in Europe about compensation systems both theoretical and practical, to be able to find a place for themselves in the current market and develop themselves both lingual and socially through the relationships they have made in overseas. -To contribute our institute’s process of internationalization, increase institutional capacity and quality are the other objectives of the project. It’s planned that the project will be carried out with 6 local and 3 overseas partners in such a way that it includes both student and teacher mobility. During the consideration processes of the project, it’s been considered appropriate that the project should cover only the student’s mobility. In this context, the project has included mobility in 3 different overseas partners with the participation of students from 6 different local partners. After acceptance of the project, one of our consortium members, Korkuteli VTC has informed us about they will not be able to participate in the project due to lack of number of apprentices, during the meetings that took place. After this information, it’s been evaluated within the consortium members and decided that Korkuteli VTC should be left out from the consortium with its willing.Korkuteli VTC has left the consortium through the official letter which they have written under the observation of our project expert. In this manner, the project has been carried out with a consortium of 5 members. The first mobility has been carried out by 5 students and an accompanying teacher from each Güdül MPAHS and Bulanık ISE VTAHS at Střední průmyslová škola dopravní in Czech Rebuplic. The second mobility of our project has been carried out by 7 students from Güdül MPAHS and 8 students from Türk Telekom VTAHS and and 2 accompanying teachers from both institute at Miskolci Kando Kalman in Hungary. The third mobility of the project has been carried out by 8 students from Pendik VTAHS and 8 students from Çine VTAHS and 2 accompanying teachers from both institutes at Zespol Szkol in Poland. 40 students and 6 accompanying teachers have participated in and completed the vocational training program with three different mobility. Students have participated in theoretical and practical trainings about compensation field within our overseas partners. The practical trainings have been completed in the workshops of hosting institutes in 2 weeks. Besides,students and accompanying teachers have made observations on site by visitations to the firms that cooperate with our overseas partners. Students have developed their vocational theoretical and practical skills in accordance with our project’s objective through the vocational trainings. The trainings have been certificated and supported with Europass documents by the hosting institutes. Students have developed their lingual skills through getting their trainings in English and they have increased their cultural qualifications by attending to cultural activities within the program, during the period of time they have spent there. Students improved their employment opportunities through their developed vocational and personal qualifications in accordance with the project’s objectives. A strong consortium has been established within the project and useful cooperation between 3 different European countries has been made. In this context, the project has been beneficial for our institute in accordance with the project’s objectives. The project will create a good impact in the middle and long term especially for the consortium members.

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