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Energizing young people
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present topical discussions on global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions caused by coal-fired power plants, the pull-out from nuclear energy and much else have more and more drawn the focus to the field of renewable energy. People around the world are getting involved in these discussions, yet without ever considering changing their own behavior. Thus it seems necessary to pursue the discussion on the best way of energy production and pre-eminently to carry it into all social classes addressing people of all ages. This is the only way of urging the people to wake up before it’s too late. This school project is designed to provide information on the risks and opportunities in the topical field of (renewable) energy. It addresses students of different age groups and special educational needs as well as teachers and parents to enable them to take part in the public debate and devote themselves to a sustainable energy production. Moreover the project will contribute to the personal development of the participating students by improving their methodological skills when conducting presentations or tutoring younger students or students with special educational needs. The participating organizations at local and regional level will be perceived as agents for and initiators of educational cooperation and renewable energy. PARTICIPATING PARTIES: The key stakeholders in this project are the four partner schools with their respective student bodies and faculties. Each partner school co-operates with various elementary schools and special-needs schools as well as different energy-producing companies in their respective countries. The final presentation will be conducted in cooperation with selected cultural bodies and institutions of the respective home country. Thus the project involves approximately 25 participants comprising all the associated staff and students. The selection of the partners was based on the diversity of the types of energy production, i.e. geothermal energy, biogas, underwater turbine, solar energy or incineration, in order to get a really comprehensive picture. The participating schools come from different parts of Europe to ensure a truly European view on the topic of energy production. ACTIVITIES: This project calls for the students of the respective countries to visit two different energy-producing companies and create two different presentations on each type of production. The required mode of presentation will be imparted beforehand in a separate course. Subsequently, based on these presentations, the students will prepare and conduct short teaching units for grade schoolers and students with special needs. At the end of the project each school will present their results in the scope of an exhibition in collaboration with a national cultural institution to make their findings available to the public. EXPECTED RESULTS: All students participating will receive comprehensive information on the complex topic of ‘energy’. This and the profound knowledge concerning the different techniques of presentation will put them in the position to take an active part in the political debate. Teachers will get the opportunity to co-operate with colleagues from different countries and exchange ‘best practices’. They will be provided with rich learning/teaching material on the subject of ‘energy’. Co-operating organizations will come into close contact with the students and thus get the chance to reconsider their viewpoint. LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES: The project results will be posted on the schools’ homepages and not be removed. The issue will continue to remain topical and in light of the global-warming debate gain additional significance. This is what makes the results of the project so important and necessary. They can be reused in various different contexts for a considerable time. The participating schools will implement the topic ‘Renewable Energies’ in their in-house curricula or have already done so. The presentations will be held available. The project idea will continue to exist in the minds of the participants, particularly the grade schoolers and special-needs students since they will be confronted with the topic at an early age.

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3 Partners Participants