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Encuentro de jóvenes para fomentar la cultura, los DDHH y la justicia social 2015
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Meeting of young people to promote cultural exchange, human rights and social justice" is a bilateral exchange between young people of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Spain) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). In a first phase were found in Santa Coloma de Gramenet from 5 to 12 September 2015, 20 participants that dealt with issues such as the cultural exchange, human rights, social justice, the war in the Balkans and the cooperation that arose between the municipalities of Barcelona and Sarajevo. The second phase of the project takes place in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) during Holy Week of 2016 from 19 to 25 March with the same participants who came to Santa Coloma. Both meetings have the same thread and presented and explore cultural activities: traditions, music, cinema, gastronomy, and photography with activities of HHRR, expert lectures, visits to museums, discovery of cities and especially spaces of knowledge of the young people with icebreakers and leisure trips. This project has a long-term effect in regard to the learning of young people, who at the same time enjoy the intercultural contact and breaks prejudices, stereotypes and acquire knowledge on the effect of the war in the villages as the application and the recognition of human rights. Through the education for peace that we seek to transform our environment for the achievement of a more just world and livable.
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