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Encontra o teu Rumo: Empreende o teu Futuro.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Escola Digital teaches courses in the areas of Science Computing and Audiovisuals Tecnologies, using the latest information and communication technologies and stimulating innovative learning processes that matches the effective needs of the national and international labor market. In 2014/15 ED created the International Partners and Project Office and the European Club aiming to provide these projects with increased coverage and investment and making them an integral part of the school's educational project and its strategic plan. ED also ensures the integral formation of the student, promoting the entrepreneurial spirit and learning throughout life, trainning specialized technitians and certificates them to be able to integrate a very specialized and competitive labor market that is constantly changing. With this internationalization project, we aim to provide experience in a specific work situation on the international market, which will require adaptation to a new country, a new culture, a new language, European business organizations, teams, methodologies and innovative méthods and techniques. In this context, the main objectives of this project are properly framed within the directives issued by the European Community, especially on the following: - Contribute to fight against school leaving fostering motivation for learning and training throughout life. - Promote personal and professional enrichment experiences that promote the full integration of young people into the labor market, thereby contributing to fight against youth unemployment. - Ensuring access to technological innovation processes and new tools and languages, providing the acquisition of knowledge and core competencies for professional and civic education of young people. - Establish international partnerships. - Provide and sharing good practices in education and training. - Get to know the international job market. This project is adressed at students, teachers and human resources from all training areas taught by our school and will cover 80 students, 15 students looking for their first job, 8 accompanying teachers, 18 human resources training and aims to develop personal skills such as autonomy , responsibility, adaptation to change, the achievement of collaborative work, the development of project work and professional skills for the recognition of technical solutions, learning new working methods, observation of different organizational structures, contact with new concepts product, awareness of the needs of the international labor market. To achieve the stated objectives we planned the following activities: - Public presentation of the project and external and internal communication of EREF Project. - Pre selection and selection of candidates from the pre-requisites for participation plan. - Promotion Plan Training Language and Culture of the host country for all participants. This will be fully covered by ED. - Promotion of Technical Training Plan specialized in different areas of training, to be secured by the teachers/specialized ED trainers. - Procurement and acquisition of insurance, travels and subsistence funds transfers funds to the participants, by ED. - Realization of training periods in an international working environment place conceived as a complement to the domestic training periods, addressed to students of the 2nd and 3rd year of school according to their curricula. The locations and training plans will be decided among partner entities and validated by the school in order to maximize, both the specific opportunities for participation and the range of activities to be performed. - Realization of advanced training of professional, technical and socio-cultural skills, directed to the newly trained technicians, to be organized and implemented in cooperation with partner entities. - Organization of observation and a visit of sharing of best practices and in the counterpart organization, addressed to the school staff, planned in partnership. - Organization of a visit of observation and best practices sharing in the counterpart organization, addressed to the school staff, planned in partnership. - Public presentation, evaluation and dissemination of those learning outcomes - Project evaluation and submission of the final report The international mobility projects always results in large productivity gains, innovation, motivation, experience and know-how for all the participants and organizations involved. These five dimensions have a major elevance. We intend, therefore, an effective and efficient integration and professional development of participants, students and staff, in order to contribute to "Find a Way: Embrace your Future".
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