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Εμβαθύνοντας στις αιτίες της μαθητικής διαρροής στην Επαγγελματική Εκπαίδευση : Πρόληψη - Αντιμετώπιση
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposal concerns mobility, aiming at training and exchange of good practices, relative to the early school leaving that is the abandonment of the school before its completion. A secondary target is the acquaintance with Slovenian educational system and supportive structures dealing with the subject. The participants will be teachers from the consortium of 1st, 2nd and Evening Vocational High School of Giannitsa.Early school leaving is defined as the abandonment of the studies before their completion. It is a multi-dimensional problem, particularly severe at disadvantaged groups of the population. According to a recent study of General Federation of Greek Labor (GSEE/ΓΣΕΕ), which agrees with the data from the three schools, it is a continuously worsen problem that is expected to become larger due to economic crisis and the refugee flows passing through Greece. The current situations of early school leaving at the three schools are 12.5% at the 2nd, 14% at the 1st and 35% at the Evening Vocational High School, which increase substantially by the year. The mean value of the Initial Vocational Education is 20%, which also increases.In the coming years the Greek educational system will be called upon educating children of refugees who will be added to the children of economic migrants and disadvantaged group of the population in general. The situation of these groups is worsening by the year. A substantial portion of these children will be study at the initial Vocational Education. These developments find the Greek educational personnel unprepared, as in the previous years and, to the best of our knowledge, to the visible future relative trainings are almost nonexistent. Moreover, as this situation is new for the Greek education, the teachers from the three schools of the consortium have a lot to gain from the relative European experience of other countries, which dealt with the situation in the near past.Skupina Primera is a training organization situated in Ljubljana, Slovenia, which is active in Erasmus+ framework. Its experienced educator group supports the professional and personal development of teachers and educational professionals in general. It’s been offering relative trainings since 2011. During 2015 alone it trained 150 educational professionals from several European countries. It collaborates with several other organizations dealing with the early school leaving and thus its trainers are specialized in the subject.From the above discussion it becomes evident that the teachers of the consortium will greatly benefit from the proposed mobility. They will acquaint themselves with best practices relative to their daily problems and they will improve their competences, required to address them. The expected outcome is that both the education provided, and the relationships among students and teachers will be improved significantly. Moreover, they will familiarize themselves with practices against early school leaving valuable in the implementation of the new curricula.

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