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Empowering Student's Creativity Through Cooperation
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project came as a result of our need to improve ourselves, to make students to be more involved during classes. With all technologies surrounded, they became passive, with lack of interest during classes, unmotivated to learn and think " outside the box". Maybe the reason is they have all knowledge served on Internet, or our society gives examples where " you do not need knowledge to be rich". They became unsociable using computers, social networks, living in their own world, almost without need of communication "face to face". The title of project is "Empowering Student's Creativity Through Cooperation". Its aim is to raise the creativity of students, as a result of their work together, thus improving them as persons and future professionals. The training course we want to attend , completely suits our needs. Its name is "Stimulating Creativity through Cooperative Learning ", it is a part of EU Commission database (Reference Number : BG-2014-051-004 ). The objectives of our project are: • Deepening understanding of the school content through various tools for innovative problem solving; • Increasing overall students’ achievements in grades; • Improving self – esteem of the students through encouraging their creative thinking and fostering their imagination; • Higher motivation to remain on task by working in small groups; • Developing actively and constructively students’ involvement in the work at class; • Encouraging students to take the ownership of their own learning; • Improving teamwork skills; • Exchanging experiences and intercultural practices in cooperative and collaborative learning process as long as in creativity and innovation; • Putting into practice the principal that “teachers become learners at times, and learners sometimes teach”; • Developing Lateral Thinking Skills; • Learning how to celebrate the diversity of opinions and to value all contributions; • Clarifying the connection between cooperative and collaborative learning, on one side, and, on the other side – the theory of Multiple Intelligences (M.I.); • Applying the inquiry – based approach in the educational process. Six teachers of our high school are going to attend the training course which is provided ( intellectual property ) by our partner "Motivated Learning for Everyone" in Madrid, Spain. Eminent professors from Europe will conduct the training, which exists in the base of Europe Commission. The methodological approach of the training includes: Think‐Pair‐Share; Reciprocal Teaching; Think‐Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS); Group Grid; Group Writing Assignments; Brainstorming; Story-Boarding; Problem Reversal; Lateral thinking tasks; Asking questions; Group discussion; Group survey; Critical debates; Three-Step Interview. Cooperative Learning, which will be the primary focus of this workshop, is a specific kind of Collaborative Learning. Students will work together in groups on a structured activity. They will be individually accountable for their work, and the work of the group as a whole will be also assessed. Cooperative groups will work face-to-face and learn to work as a team. In small groups students will have a chance to share strengths and also to develop their weaker skills. They will develop their interpersonal skills and will learn to deal with conflict. At the end of the course the participants will be given an Attendance Certificate and Europass Mobility Certificate. Teachers will gain lot of professional experience, explained above in the box Impact. Also there are many more long time achievements . The implementation of this mobility project has a substantially higher value as compared to national or regional cooperation, because it is able: to develop a sense of common European citizenship through involvement in common problems and common policies and measure-taking towards these policies, realizing to what extent we have similarities in our everyday lives and activities and how we can help each other find solutions to eventual problems; to promote the sense of European identity, raising European identity awareness; to create a common model among countries that will spread through dissemination activities to other countries as well; to take advantage of the unique opportunity to travel and gain exposure to other cultures and languages that would not be possible without such a form of European funding; to develop the whole community within the context of Europe; to overcome barriers and distances through the use of Internet and new technologies;to establish/continue an European dimension in non-formal and informal inter cultural and intergenerational education; to give all the participants through mutual visits an opportunity to break down barriers and develop tolerance, positive attitudes to people of different cultures, religions and backgrounds; to encourage multilingualism throughout the project .
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