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Empowering School Staff in Education (ESSE)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Following a need assessment and the preparation of the Europan Development Plan, the Istituto Tecnico “G. Deledda” has the intention to improve its strengths and better its weaknesses by characterizing School Education with contents and methodologies, in oder to foster the creation of a more competitive, modern and internationalized school. The project "Empowering School Staff in Education” (E.S.S.E.) aims at creating a process of modernization of the School, in line with the rising needs of the territory and with the trends stated by the national authority (MIUR) and EU. E.S.S.E. follows the objectives: - to support the professional development of those who work in education and training with a view to innovating and improving the quality of teaching by enhancing the quality and knowldege of new methodologies of Students with Special Educational Needs; - to enhance notably the participants' foreign languages competence, by fostering a better knowledge of the application of CLIL methodologies within our technical disciplines. - to raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity; - to increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of the School so that it is able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of all individuals. A total number of 20 participants from the School Staff is going to be directly involved in the project: School Head (1). Teachers (15) and Non Traching staff (5). The project is divided in 3 macro-stages: - Preparation, in order to foster administrative, management and qualitative sustainability of the prohect; - Implementation of training courses in order to: strenghten CLIL methodologies: to enhance the inclusion protocol of students with special need and foreign students; to better the school operational capacity within European Networks - Follow up, with the collection, dissemination and promotion of results ESSE’s intention is to keep the educational dimension as the core of the project in the perspective of the professionalization of school staff, in a cooperative perspective where the competences acquired by every participants are at disposal of the entire group. On this line, the project has been set up on a constant-learning model, adopted by the experiential learning (‘I do -> I observe -> i reflect’) so that all the stakeholders will have the opportunity to acquire directly and indirectly new competences, skills, knowledge and experiences. The foreseen results are different. Material results are: - a video book about the training experiences, integrated with video interviews which will enlight learning outcomes; - insert published togheter with the school’s periodacal, in a wide circulation;; - an e-guide on best practices and study cases; - a newsletter periodically sent to the mailing list of the school. Other relevant results will be the knowledge and the experience acquired by the participants, who will be multipliers witihin their contexts with collegues and students. The diffusion and dissemination of results is going to foster a wider impact of project activities also during the implementation stage, so that it will be possible to have the possibility to evalutate the results in a short term and in a long term perspective (by analyzing the effects on school performance). As estimated, the project will have a strong a positive impact on Deledda’ School, on its staff and its student, with regards to: • an impwovement of the quality of teaching and intercultural mediation with reference to the target of foreing student, which during the last years is highly increasing; • a better and more optimized learning process for all the students with special educational needs, through the sharing of the knowledge aquired by the training on the Neurlinguistic Planning; • the school internationalization and the modernization of the School Training Plan through the implementation of CLIL methodologies with positive effects on students performances; • the management of a wider european network with transectorial partners which will promote mobility and employability of outgoing students.

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