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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Migrants play a sensitive role in modern European societies and are considered an opportunity and resource for most of them. Better integrated migrant citizens help the society to develop, especially when we take into consideration women as mothers and new entrepreneurs, who need acquire the linguistic skills in order to be efficient in their daily routine or profession. Often migrants are forced to follow a path which take them to places which, especially at the beginning, may appear to them very foreign or, worse, inaccessible. Lack of linguistic and cultural preparation, first experience abroad, young or advanced age, etc. make them feel inappropriate or excluded, with all the consequences one can imagine, either in their working or family environments. More than often migrants can't use the skills developed in their countries (see on skills recognition for migrants: a European Agenda of Migration (13.5.2015, p. 15)) in formal educational contexts and they end up accepting any job offered.Objectives of this mobility project:1) Improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities tailored to individual adult learners (migrant learners), including through innovative ways of outreach and delivery2) Developing adult educators’ competences to deal with diversified groups of learners, make use of new technologies for better outreach and teaching outcomes.We will perform 20 mobilities, participants are all teachers or trainers of the Italian language specialized in teaching Italian to foreigners. The mobilities will last 5 days as structured trainings and will touch 4 different areas: ICT, flipped classroom, soft skills and intercultural competences, using creativity in designing and performing language lessons (teaching languages using the arts). We will have a phase of dissemination of information about the project, preparation of the mobilities and their execution, monitoring during and after the mobilities, implementation of the learning outcomes inside our organization, evaluation and dissemination. As main results we will have a better prepared staff able to work with migrant learners in different contexts and situations, a handbook with reports on mobilities made by the participants and examples of lessons built after having been adopted the learning outcomes in our institution, a 5 days workshop where we incorporate in one training what we learned during the mobilities to be offered to other institutions which work at different levels with migrants (public, private, etc.), a final conference where we will disseminate all these results. Impact we envisage will affect on local and national level similar institutions which deal with inclusion and education of migrants. Through the workshop we want to disseminate a global approach, making the project sustainable and re-duplicable, nevertheless adaptable in new situations and circumstances.
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