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Empowering Eco-entrepreneurship Start-ups
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Eco-entrepreneurship Knowledge Resource Hub is an integrated project that directly addresses the main objectives of the KA2-Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices. Focus is on strengthening the capacities of youth and young people for the development of a more sustainable and dynamic Eco-entrepreneurship sector that contributes to economic growth and youth employment.The project will establish close ties between successful eco-entrepreneurs and the aspiring young entrepreneurs. Successful eco-entrepreneurs will play a crucial role in the encouragement, development and implementation of the young people’s eco-entrepreneurial business ideas:• Eco-entrepreneurs will provide guidance for selected small-scale pilot projects that will be experimented with and implemented at the eco-hub facilities in Humlebæk.The project is innovative in that it will boost the eco-entrepreneurial capacity of young people by providing an incubator for youth under 30 for developing eco-ideas and businesses related to food production & systems innovation, eco-tourism, green architecture, green energy generation, climate-smart innovation, and biodiversity safeguarding. A core result will be the support young people in the development of work/business plans for the creation of Eco-entrepreneurship projects and ideas for projects/small businesses, as well as institutional capacity building, training of trainers program and a user-friendly online eco-entrepreneurship toolkit. The project will bring together groups of young people between 16-30 years with a diverse educational background and skills. Young people will be chosen from a wide range of educational institutions, among others farm schools, universities and high schools).Main Activities1. Mapping exercise to formulate the current institutional support and development needs for Eco-entrepreneurship 2. Non-formal educational and international learning program for young eco-entrepreneurs to support exchange of information, know-how transfer 3. Seminars/events to raise awareness about the opportunities the Eco-entrepreneurship generates and impact in other economic sectors. 4. Business support and guidance program for established initiatives, entrepreneurs, including administrative, marketing and management skills; the mastering of information and communication principal tools and skills, including new media mentoring. Includes workshops on how to maintain the sustainability for new projects, gender and equality issues, etc.5. Development of eco-hub as a one-stop-station for all Project beneficiaries and for Eco-entrepreneurs who want to explore other national and international opportunities with their peers.9. Dissemination and exploitation of Project results in each countries 10. Transnational meetings during the life of the project.MethodologyEco-entrepreneurship knowledge resource hub in Humlebæk promotes creative innovative start-up ideas of environmental products, services, and technology transfer. The target group from this project is expected to learn how to move environmental solutions from concepts to market for their start-up ideas and financial benefit, as well as for the betterment of the environment.The main project results will be materials identifying best practices, policies and strategies that create new Eco-entrepreneurial projects embedding socio-economic opportunities for young people and toolkits (curriculum guides, training materials, etc.) which will be available on-line on the Internet through free access Knowledge Resource dissemination tools.The project will be also instrumental for public administrators to put forward new strategies for developing eco- entrepreneurship (services and products) that are outward-looking, as national contexts are as important as across borders’ contexts.

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