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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "EmployAble" concerns vocational training of 30 students with disabilities, who will be supported by 15 teachers, as well as of 25 members of educational and scientific staff of Protypi Viotechniki Monada Lakkias. It will be implemented in cooperation with National Star Specialist College, in Cheltenham, UK. It lasts 2 years and consists of 5 training flows of learners and staff, 14 days each. The main purpose of the project is the acquisition of know - how and good practices in order to make more effective the promotion of students with disabilities in the labor market and employment. Students will acquire work experience and specific vocational and work skills working within a social enterprise in the frame of supported employment. They will learn English language vocabulary related to a specific area of work, work with customers, specific equipment and work within a team with UK trainees. They will learn how to undertake specific jobs and by the end of the project will be working independently in these. Staff will learn about specific job coaching and mentoring schemes and the specialist pedagogy to teach and support learners in work. Staff will learn about internship and trainee learning programmes and explore different models of delivery. Staff will observe and evaluate teaching delivery, assessment and evaluation techniques to use in their own teaching. We consider that "EmployAble" will contribute to the expansion of the participants’ personal horizon, to the upgrading of services we offer, to make contact with international links and create intercultural collaborations, as well as to the professional and social inclusion of our students.
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