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Employability- “A challenge for youth- Dreams and Reality”
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to deal with the problems of the first inclusion of young Europeans in the labour market at the end of the studies. It will last two years, to create a "snapshot" of the relationship between the future workers and the real labour market for European citizens near to their first job, according to the different geographical and socio-economic areas in Europe: from this snapshot it is expected to emerge desires and expectations of potential new workers and the adherence between desires / expectations and the reality of the first job. In reaching the final aim, the different phases which the project covers will enable the achievement of significant and meaningful conceptual halfway objectives such as:  The analysis of the work situation before and after the economic crisis in the European countries represented in this project,  The adequacy of the school in terms of students’ education for the professional world,  The marketability of different university and high school degrees and the average time of work expectancy  The adequacy of the school regarding the expectations of the students,  The students analysis and evaluation of the time to get a job in the short term.  The level of self-esteem related to one’s own potential professionalism.  Higher level apprenticeships and Vocational apprenticeships through training courses. Additional cross-cutting objectives of the project are:  To strengthen the English language skills of the students as well as the staff involved;  To enhance the computer skills, and more generally the use of new information technologies.  To fight the school drop-out and improve retention levels of students  To broaden students' horizons and get into contact with other environments so as to become as competitive as all European young people. The project involves seven European schools from the following countries: Turkey, Italy, United Kingdom, Romania, France, Spain and Greece. The experience of the economic situation in the countries participating in the project, will give a broad vision and as comprehensive as possible of the work situation in Europe. The project will be developed through different stages which the schools involved will run simultaneously, with a joint work event at a distance. The students involved will do research on the employment situation for their own country of origin, before and after the economic crisis, in order to make a comparison and have a vision of the real and practical problems. During this operational phase students will contact and visit the most representative institutions for the promotion and support of Policies in the field of employment. They will contact all the organizations and associations that have tracked the lives of small and medium-sized enterprises during the crisis, such as trade unions, local newspapers, trade associations, the Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of this phase, in addition to the collection of certain data, reliable and consistent, is to stimulate the students involved and pay particular attention to the problem of employment and encourage them to develop their own point of view regarding the crisis and their position in terms of potentiality and expectations in the context of professional opportunities. At the end of these steps, all the work done will be embodied in creative works which, through events (eg conferences or seminars) will be made public in order to share the results, or during school days to spread among other students and teachers of the school the project and its purpose. A designated time for sharing and discussion of the results of the project will be a priority in every country involved. Moreover, the project will consider the students desires to be able to find a job that they like and for which they had been prepared at school and, on the other hand, the reality of the workplace they will encounter in each country. At the end of the project a document will be prepared which will identify the proposals to reduce unemployment and school drop-out: this document will be sent to the Department of Education and Community policies of the European Parliament. English will be the working language, in order to develop and enhance skills of students regarding the language most commonly used in the European Community. The participants' attention will also point to develop computer skills through the use of tools such as mobile phones (smartphones ), computers, tablets as well as communication tools such as social networks, video conferencing, instant messages. This way, the students will improve their digital skills and language when called to debate the issues of the project with colleagues from different languages and geographical distance. The project will have a European dimension and it will focus on the objectives required by the E C: helping to increase the employment rate as well as educating for entrepreneurship, the use of ICT and educational resources at a distance.

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