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Emerging communities for collective innovation in Central Europe (CentralCommunity)
Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of CentralCommunity is to strengthen collaboration in the Life Sciences sector of five participating central European member states. The extended cluster- and network-based collaborative approach at the heart of this project represents also a promising solution to major constraints of SME innovation, such as access to learning and knowledge processing, to cognitive diversity and openness to transnational collaboration. Achievements: Central Community is an innovative project, aiming at developing conditions for the creation of communities (following a bottom-up approach) to support innovation processes, by providing SME with an ICT operational platform named iCOMMUNITY. Main beneficiaries are therefore all actors working in the life science environment who need to get in touch to develop a new product or a new service or manage a contract and their business relationships. Beyond general project management activities, the first period has focused on the designing of the R&D and innovation questionnaires to companies and other actors to start working on the innovation reports foreseen for all the countries involved. The analisys of the local innovation context in the involved regions necessary to customise the platform and the methodology according to the local needs, expectations, strengths and weaknesses of the innovation framework, has started with the collection of the questionnaires. The internet website has been developed and is currently running to give information about the project. There is also a session devoted to the iCOMMUNITY platform where companies interested in testing the platform can register to use it giving a feedback to the consortium on the usability of the tool.
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  • 78.6%   1 412 623,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Central Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants