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"Emergent Gravity, String Theory and the Holographic Principle" (EMERGRAV)
Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The study of black hole physics and string theory are leading to a novel perspective on gravity and space-time. The old frameworks are replaced by a new paradigm in which gravity is understood as an emergent phenomenon. A central role in this revolution is played by the holographic principle put forward by ‘t Hooft. It states that the microscopic information associated with the physical world can be stored on the boundary of space. From this holographic viewpoint I have recently derived the familiar laws of Newton and Einstein using only first principles. Gravity appears as an entropic force caused by changes in information associated with matter. With this ERC proposal I am aiming to build a research group that will further develop this new entropic view on gravity. The powerful string theoretic tools, such as the holographic correspondence between gauge theory and gravity, will be used to illuminate and further clarify gravity’s entropic origin. In addition, I plan to investigate the implications of the emergence of the gravitational force for the areas in which gravity plays a crucial role, in particular cosmology. For instance, the entropic viewpoint is expected to shed new light on the nature of dark energy and possibly dark matter. It may also lead to a new perspective on the other fundamental forces, since the notions of inertia and mass need to be reconsidered as well. The understanding of gravity as an emergent phenomenon will also influence and benefit from the conceptual ideas developed in condensed matter physics, such as the recently discovered connection between quantum critical electron systems and black hole horizons. The university of Amsterdam and the Netherlands provide an excellent environment for a successful completion of these goals."

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