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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EMANCIPACIÓN JUVENIL Y MOVILIDAD EUROPEA it is a project between Nexes as the coordinating organisation, and Consell Comarcal del Barcelonès (CEJ) and la Oficina Jove d’Emancipació de l’Hospitalet (OJE) as hosting organisations. The CEJ is a center driven from Barcelonés Region Council and the municipalities of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Badalona, Hospitalet, Barcelona and Sant Adria de Besos, for the promotion of youth mobility programs and to help and give more opportunities for disadvantaged youth in the county of Barcelona with the aim of preventing and reducing risks of social exclusion. The Office Jove de l'Hospitalet d'emancipation and Torre Barrina are part of the institution that strengthens the association network of Hospitalet and offers resources from the Youth in Action to its youth. The overall project objective is to promote youth participation in local and international projects as a tool of intercultural learning and personal and community development. It is understood that efforts to promote international mobility and promotion of participation are different ways to pursue the same goal: the emancipation of young people. To do this, and with the aim that the activities’ project have a multiplier effect, the EVS volunteers will also assist in the implementation of the dissemination and awareness of European programs, through advocacy, dissemination of the English language and her/his mother tongue, and other proposals that may arise from the needs of young people and interest of the EVS. • Enhancing the knowledge of the Erasmus + program of the European Union among the associations of the Barcelonés and Baix Llobregat • Promote use of Erasmus + program of the European Union among disadvantaged youth in the region as a tool of social inclusion work • Establish a link between youth policies and experiences of mobility in Europe and the region of Barcelonés and Baix Llobregat. Through non-formal education, free-time activities, training and information, we offer young people the chance to become autonomous citizens and caring, who are involved and who decides, who knows and suggests improvements and changes in their context.
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5 Partners Participants