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Életünk része: az idegen nyelvi kommunikáció
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of our project is to improve our everyday communication in foreign languages and our international connections. These are providing our school with better facilities on teaching and also helping our work on the Békeháló. Békeháló is an international educational program founded in Treviso 20 years ago. Nowdays the members are 170 Italian school and 17 schools from other counties, including Hungary. It's educational program is approved and supported by the Italian Edicational Ministry. An international network of schools, organizations and associations that work together to promote a culture of peace: a network of civil society actors engaged daily in human rights education and active citizenship, enhancing the leadership and energy of youth. 5000 students from primary and secondary schools and 100 teachers and voluntary workers keep this organization alive . It came to Hungary, to Saint Filippo Neri Cahtolic Primary School within a humanitary journey in 2008 where an official agreement was signed. For these purposes it is important the usage of computers and other technical equipments. As a part of Erasmus+ school programs delegations from foreign school regularly visit our school when they also have the opportunity to visit classes. It is important that during these visits the teachers use the technical facilities provided (smart boards, audio- and video recorders, experiments using computers and presentations) on a higher scale based on these courses which enable them have more self confidence and show more of their overall teaching abilities; and make sure that even the guests benefit more from these class visits. There are more and more possibilities to participate in international tenders and projects where the usage of English and computers are essential; including on-line facilities for students-parents-teachers circles where the participants work together on projects, i.e.: Pracle ThinkQuest Education Foundation. For all these programs it is necessarily to have mentors who already have the required skills in these techniques in English. These aspects were taken into consideration before choosing the courses for the individuals. 2 out of 18 participants are going to develop their ICT skills and techniques. The school would like to improve it's communication within the Békeháló, therefore two teachers would go on Italian courses. In order to have a wider view of the different school systems and be able to compare them two colleagues will study the cultural differences in other countries. Other participants will benefit from methodological courses gaining further knowledge on creativity for the overall improvement of the education of the school. For the sake of the international connections of the school it is vital to improve the English language skills of some of the teachers. The first step in this process is the preparation for the courses. The participants of the language courses have to take an on-line placement test to ensure the correct course level and if necessarily, to allow them enough time to work on their skills. The second step towards fulfilling the requirements of the classes is to study the relevant timetables, if required fill up tests and get familiar with the host country and town. The third step is to take the course from where returning all participants will evaluate and share the gained knowledge of his or her chosen course. This will take place on the staff meeting held every quarter of a year. Teachers will also provide opportunities for colleagues to visit their classes where they share their experiences of the courses with each other. On a long term bases it is the aim of the school to involve every colleague in these open lessons making sure that eventually they will all benefit from the program.

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